CF How to list all the files in the root directory of my project
所以,到目前为止,我已经设法将我的一个应用程序放在 CF 上,但由于我组织的企业模型,我无法访问基础设施,因此我无法检查推送的代码库通过访问服务器本身,
因此,我想知道是否有一个选项可以显示服务器实例上存在的项目 tree/structure?
files - 在 DEA 后端打印目录中的文件列表或应用程序的特定文件的内容 运行
输出到 CF 文档中存在的命令
Also, I see that it has been written that this works for a DEA backend
, what does DEA stands for ?
I am running a nodejs app should this command work for me ?
I have setup a node app which serves the html and css pages via
webpack build tool. So basically the html pages have the injected css
& js file path at runtime. On my local machine I do have the access to
this generated folder and I also find that the referenced css and js
executes but the same is not working on my deployed app hence I want
to understand what exactly is the folder structure there for the
deployed app.
One strange thing , today I also tried to deploy the same
project on my own pivotal cloud services instance using CF and to my
surprise it just worked like charm as it were working locally on my
machine i.e. no path issues which I wanted to rectify by having a look
at the folder structure. Maybe it is something related to my server
configuration as we are not using PWS with CF and AWS at the Iaas
We here have a concept of Endpoints registration in the developed tool
where the hosted apps/components are configured . Possibly that is
causing this issue, once resolved I will share the reason and fix.
So, it didn't work for me because I was behind a proxy and hence I
eventually ended up creating an SSH connection string and an OTP.
Then, I used PUTTY with the same proxy settings and ssh
url:port to access the directory structure.
如果您的 PCF 平台 Ops 团队启用了 cf ssh
访问权限,那么您可以 运行 cf ssh <app-name>
通过 ssh 进入应用程序容器。然后您可以看到文件的布局方式。
DEA 代表液滴执行代理。 DEA 是 OSS CF 中的容器编排引擎。在 PCF 上,DEA 已被 DIEGO 容器编排引擎取代。
所以,到目前为止,我已经设法将我的一个应用程序放在 CF 上,但由于我组织的企业模型,我无法访问基础设施,因此我无法检查推送的代码库通过访问服务器本身,
因此,我想知道是否有一个选项可以显示服务器实例上存在的项目 tree/structure?
files - 在 DEA 后端打印目录中的文件列表或应用程序的特定文件的内容 运行 目录
输出到 CF 文档中存在的命令
Also, I see that it has been written that this works for a DEA backend , what does DEA stands for ?
I am running a nodejs app should this command work for me ?
I have setup a node app which serves the html and css pages via webpack build tool. So basically the html pages have the injected css & js file path at runtime. On my local machine I do have the access to this generated folder and I also find that the referenced css and js executes but the same is not working on my deployed app hence I want to understand what exactly is the folder structure there for the deployed app.
One strange thing , today I also tried to deploy the same project on my own pivotal cloud services instance using CF and to my surprise it just worked like charm as it were working locally on my machine i.e. no path issues which I wanted to rectify by having a look at the folder structure. Maybe it is something related to my server configuration as we are not using PWS with CF and AWS at the Iaas layer.
We here have a concept of Endpoints registration in the developed tool where the hosted apps/components are configured . Possibly that is causing this issue, once resolved I will share the reason and fix.
So, it didn't work for me because I was behind a proxy and hence I eventually ended up creating an SSH connection string and an OTP. Then, I used PUTTY with the same proxy settings and ssh url:port to access the directory structure.
如果您的 PCF 平台 Ops 团队启用了 cf ssh
访问权限,那么您可以 运行 cf ssh <app-name>
通过 ssh 进入应用程序容器。然后您可以看到文件的布局方式。
DEA 代表液滴执行代理。 DEA 是 OSS CF 中的容器编排引擎。在 PCF 上,DEA 已被 DIEGO 容器编排引擎取代。