如何在 QuartZ 中一次 运行 一个作业实例?

How to run one instance of a job at one time in QuartZ?

我想在我的 C#.Net 项目中实现 Quartz.Net。我每 10 分钟同步 1 FTP 并下载所有文件。下载每个文件后,我将处理所有文件。如果文件较多,则需要 10 分钟以上的时间。

如何 运行 1 个作业实例,如果触发器触发任何另一个作业实例,它不应该 运行 并处理它?


Quartz 调度程序 Class

public class ResponseFileSyncJobScheduler
    public static async Task StartResponsefileSyncker()
        ISchedulerFactory sf = new StdSchedulerFactory();
        IScheduler sched = await sf.GetScheduler();

        //DateTimeOffset runTime = DateBuilder.EvenMinuteDate(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow);

        IJobDetail job = JobBuilder.Create<ResponseFileJob>()
            .WithIdentity("ResponsefileSync", "sgroup")

        ITrigger trigger = TriggerBuilder.Create().WithIdentity("TriggerfileSync", "sgroup")
            (s => s.WithIntervalInMinutes(10).OnEveryDay())

        await sched.ScheduleJob(job, trigger);
        await sched.Start();
        await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(65));

Quartz 作业Class

public class QuartzJobSOGET : IJob
    internal static readonly Task CompletedTask = Task.FromResult(true);

    public virtual Task Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
        JobKey jobKey = context.JobDetail.Key;

        //Write Date Time to File - to ensure Quartz Scheduler Working   

        //Sync every present file and process 
        //once processed delete file from server and make log, 
        //will take 1 min to process single file (almost)

        return CompletedTask;


我们可以在 class 上使用 DisallowConcurrentExecution 属性来停止单个作业的多次执行。

参考:Job State and Concurrency

但是,您也可以查看此 link 以解决 Git-问题:(可能会有用)@DisallowConcurrentExecution misinterpretation on clustered Scheduler