使用 Interop 传递 SharePoint 凭据以访问 Excel 文件?

Pass SharePoint Credentials to Access Excel File using Interop?

string url = HttpUtility.HtmlAttributeEncode("https://site.sharepoint.com/sites/Project/Shared%20Documents/ExcelSheet.xlsx");

        Excel.Application xlApp = new Excel.Application();
        Excel.Workbook xlWorkbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(url):

这会提示我输入电子邮件(用户 ID)和密码,我知道我可以传递密码,但我如何在其中获取电子邮件(用户 ID)。

我也保存了 SharpePoint 凭据,我最初尝试使用 SharepointClient 但我已经能够下载文件,我无法弄清楚如何将它转换为 Excel 工作簿以遍历单元格。

ClientContext context = new ClientContext("https://site.sharepoint.com/sites/Project/"):          
SecureString passWord = new SecureString();

 context.Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(password)      


而不是 Excel Interop i would propose to utilize Excel Services REST API,它允许读取 excel 数据而不依赖于外部或第三方库。


以下示例演示如何从存储在 SharePoint Online DocumentsFinancial Sample.xlsx 示例 excel 文件中读取 工作簿数据

var credentials = GetCredentials(userName, password);
var client = new ExcelClient(webUrl, credentials);
var data = client.ReadTable("Shared Documents/Financial Sample.xlsx", "Sheet1","A1", "P500");
JObject table = JObject.Parse(data);
int idx = 0;
foreach(var row in table["rows"])
     if(idx == 0)
        //skip header
        //get cell values
        var segment = row[0]["v"] as JValue;
        var country = row[1]["v"] as JValue;
        Console.WriteLine("Segment: {0}, Country: {1}", segment.Value,country.Value);


WebClient class 用于消费 Excel 服务 REST

public class ExcelClient : WebClient

    public ExcelClient(string webUrl, ICredentials credentials)
        BaseAddress = webUrl;
        Credentials = credentials;
        Headers.Add("X-FORMS_BASED_AUTH_ACCEPTED", "f");

    public string ReadTable(string fileUrl, string sheetName, string cellStart,string cellEnd, string format="json")

        var endpointUrl = BaseAddress + string.Format("/_vti_bin/ExcelRest.aspx/{0}/Model/Ranges('{1}!{2}|{3}')?$format={4}", fileUrl,sheetName,cellStart,cellEnd,format);
        return DownloadString(endpointUrl);


SharePointOnlineCredentials class 通过用户凭据访问 SharePoint Online 资源

static ICredentials GetCredentials(string userName, string password)
    var securePassword = new SecureString();
    foreach (var c in password)
    return new SharePointOnlineCredentials(userName, securePassword);

