RxJs6:OperatorFunction 与 MonoTypeOperatorFunction

RxJs6: OperatorFunction vs MonoTypeOperatorFunction


export class EventsChainComponent { 

    constructor (protected eventService: EventService) {}

    public registerComponentsEvent(event:any) {
        // getOnEvent signature
        // (method) EventService.getOnEvent(): Observable<FormEvent>
        this.eventSubscriber = this.eventService.getOnEvent()
            .pipe(filter((formEvent: FormEvent) => {return formEvent.key == event.event}))
            .subscribe((formEvent: FormEvent) => {


Argument of type 'MonoTypeOperatorFunction' is not assignable to parameter of type 'OperatorFunction'.

所以,我搜索了一下,找到了 RxJs6 运算符过滤器 API:

export declare function filter<T, S extends T>(predicate: (value: T, index: number) => value is S, thisArg?: any): OperatorFunction<T, S>;
export declare function filter<T>(predicate: (value: T, index: number) => boolean, thisArg?: any): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<T>;

如您所见,过滤器作为 2 个重载方法,一个返回 OperatorFunction 另一个 MonoTypeOperatorFunction.


注意:FormEvent class 是我创建的,EventServiceEventsChainComponent 具有相同的导入,引用相同的 class .

在下面的 之后,我发现问题是我从相同的文件名导入了 class,但是我在不同的文件夹中有相同的文件,在 src 文件夹下.

The only way that a MonoTypeOperatorFunction<T> is not assignable to an OperatorFunction<T,T> is if the type parameters - the Ts - are different. Saying that the function returns Observable<FormEvent> in a comment is not particularly useful. Where does FormEvent event come from? Is it the same as the FormEvent you've used in that file? Is it a class? Who knows? Not me. My guess is that you have two FormEvent classes from different libraries. Or different installs of the same library.




rxjs 和 angular/router 都有一个事件对象,因此存在名称冲突。 我为解决这个问题所做的是用不同的名称声明 @angular/router 事件,然后相应地使用。

{Event as RouterEvent} from '@angular/router';

所以在那之后:当我想使用 rxjs.Event 时我使用 Event,当我想使用 @angular/router.Event 时我使用 RouterEvent。 错误消失了:)



filter((event): event is ActivationEnd => event instanceof ActivationEnd)

致谢 https://gitmemory.com/issue/ReactiveX/rxjs/4947/518146427