NpgSql、EF6、NTS:EntityType 'Point' 没有定义键
NpgSql, EF6, NTS: EntityType 'Point' has no key defined
我正在为 .NET Framework 4.7 使用 C# 编写的简单导入工具来读取 MS-Access 文件并将其保存到 PostGIS 数据库。
我无法让 EF6 现在我的 Point
对象是一个 NetTopology class 而不是另一个 table.
当我从我的 PostGIS 数据库读取或写入数据时,出现此错误:
Message=One or more validation errors were detected during model generation:
Importer.Point: : EntityType 'Point' has no key defined. Define the key for this EntityType.
Points: EntityType: EntitySet 'Points' is based on type 'Point' that has no keys defined.
public static void Main(string[] args)
// Place this at the beginning of your program to use NetTopologySuite everywhere (recommended)
using (var context = new PostGisContext())
var newKey = context.MyLocations.Count();
public class PostGisContext : DbContext
public DbSet<MyLocation> MyLocations { get; set; }
public PostGisContext() : base("name=PostgreSql")
{ }
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
// PostgreSQL uses the data schema by default - not dbo.
// Don't use plural table names:
// Change CamelCase to lower-case:
modelBuilder.Types().Configure(c => c.ToTable(LowerCaseTableName(c.ClrType)));
modelBuilder.Conventions.Add(new LowerCaseConvention());
private static string LowerCaseTableName(Type type)
var result = Regex.Replace(type.Name, ".[A-Z]", m => m.Value[0] + "_" + m.Value[1]);
return result.ToLower();
// A custom convention.
internal class LowerCaseConvention : IStoreModelConvention<EdmProperty>
public void Apply(EdmProperty property, DbModel model)
property.Name = Regex.Replace(property.Name, ".[A-Z]", m => m.Value[0] + "_" + m.Value[1]).ToLower();
将 Location
public class MyLocation
public int Id { get; set; }
public string LocationId { get; set; }
public NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Point Location { get; set; }
public class NpgSqlConfiguration : DbConfiguration
public NpgSqlConfiguration()
const string name = "Npgsql";
SetProviderFactory(providerInvariantName: name,
providerFactory: NpgsqlFactory.Instance);
SetProviderServices(providerInvariantName: name,
provider: NpgsqlServices.Instance);
SetDefaultConnectionFactory(connectionFactory: new NpgsqlConnectionFactory());
NetTopologySuite 和 PostGIS 在 Entity Framework 6 中不受支持,仅在 Entity Framework Core 中受支持。这是因为 EF6 的类型系统是封闭的,并且不允许以 EF Core 的方式进行灵活的特定于提供程序的扩展。
我正在为 .NET Framework 4.7 使用 C# 编写的简单导入工具来读取 MS-Access 文件并将其保存到 PostGIS 数据库。
我无法让 EF6 现在我的 Point
对象是一个 NetTopology class 而不是另一个 table.
当我从我的 PostGIS 数据库读取或写入数据时,出现此错误:
Message=One or more validation errors were detected during model generation:
Importer.Point: : EntityType 'Point' has no key defined. Define the key for this EntityType.
Points: EntityType: EntitySet 'Points' is based on type 'Point' that has no keys defined.
public static void Main(string[] args)
// Place this at the beginning of your program to use NetTopologySuite everywhere (recommended)
using (var context = new PostGisContext())
var newKey = context.MyLocations.Count();
public class PostGisContext : DbContext
public DbSet<MyLocation> MyLocations { get; set; }
public PostGisContext() : base("name=PostgreSql")
{ }
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
// PostgreSQL uses the data schema by default - not dbo.
// Don't use plural table names:
// Change CamelCase to lower-case:
modelBuilder.Types().Configure(c => c.ToTable(LowerCaseTableName(c.ClrType)));
modelBuilder.Conventions.Add(new LowerCaseConvention());
private static string LowerCaseTableName(Type type)
var result = Regex.Replace(type.Name, ".[A-Z]", m => m.Value[0] + "_" + m.Value[1]);
return result.ToLower();
// A custom convention.
internal class LowerCaseConvention : IStoreModelConvention<EdmProperty>
public void Apply(EdmProperty property, DbModel model)
property.Name = Regex.Replace(property.Name, ".[A-Z]", m => m.Value[0] + "_" + m.Value[1]).ToLower();
将 Location
public class MyLocation
public int Id { get; set; }
public string LocationId { get; set; }
public NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Point Location { get; set; }
public class NpgSqlConfiguration : DbConfiguration
public NpgSqlConfiguration()
const string name = "Npgsql";
SetProviderFactory(providerInvariantName: name,
providerFactory: NpgsqlFactory.Instance);
SetProviderServices(providerInvariantName: name,
provider: NpgsqlServices.Instance);
SetDefaultConnectionFactory(connectionFactory: new NpgsqlConnectionFactory());
我一定是忘记了设置什么的,但我找不到了。 任何帮助将不胜感激。
NetTopologySuite 和 PostGIS 在 Entity Framework 6 中不受支持,仅在 Entity Framework Core 中受支持。这是因为 EF6 的类型系统是封闭的,并且不允许以 EF Core 的方式进行灵活的特定于提供程序的扩展。