
How do I check each number instead just the one value?

除数: 对于从 2 到 100 的数字,打印一系列行以指示哪些数字是其他数字的约数。对于每一个,打印出“X 除以 Y”,其中 X <= Y,并且 X 和 Y 都在 2 到 100 之间。前几行将是: 2 除 2 3 除 3 2 除 4 4 除 4 5 除 5 等等


x = 2
y = 2
while y <= 100:
      while y <= 100:
            if y % x == 0:
                print(x, 'divides', y)
                y += 1
            elif y % x != 0:
                y += 1

我不确定如何让它测试 x 和 y 的其他值

这是您的代码的更正版本,较小的 y 值最多为 6。 您可以将其扩展到 100。

说明:第一个 while 循环检查 y 值。对于每个 y 值,您使用遍历 x 的第二个 while 循环检查其除数。您在内部 while 循环中将 x 更新为 1,并在外部 while 循环中将 y 更新为 1。如果有不清楚的地方,请在下方评论。

您的代码有问题:您使用了两个 while 循环只是为了 y,其中一个是多余的。此外,正如您在问题中明确指出的那样,您并没有增加 x 。您的 elif 也不是必需的,因为在这两种情况下您都在递增 y

y = 2
while y <= 6: # Replace 6 by 100 here
    x = 2 # Reset x to 2 for every y value because you count divisors from 2
    while x <= y:
        if y % x == 0:
            print(x, 'divides', y)
        x += 1  
    y += 1    


2 divides 2
3 divides 3
2 divides 4
4 divides 4
5 divides 5
2 divides 6
3 divides 6
6 divides 6


x = int(input("Give the range you want to check numbers in: "))

for number in range(1,x):
    for value in range(1,number+1):
        if number % value == 0:
            print(number, " is divided by", value)


1  is divided by 1
2  is divided by 1
2  is divided by 2
3  is divided by 1
3  is divided by 3
4  is divided by 1
4  is divided by 2
4  is divided by 4
5  is divided by 1
5  is divided by 5
6  is divided by 1
6  is divided by 2
6  is divided by 3
6  is divided by 6
7  is divided by 1
7  is divided by 7
8  is divided by 1
8  is divided by 2
8  is divided by 4
8  is divided by 8
9  is divided by 1
9  is divided by 3
9  is divided by 9

您可以在此处使用 enumerate 并在每个项目之前循环遍历索引将产生您试图获得的结果

x = [*range(2, 101)]
for idx, item in enumerate(x):
    for i in x[:idx +1]:
        if not item % i:
            print('{} divides {}'.format(i, item))
2 divides 2
3 divides 3
2 divides 4
4 divides 4
5 divides 5
2 divides 6
3 divides 6
6 divides 6
99 divides 99
2 divides 100
4 divides 100
5 divides 100
10 divides 100
20 divides 100
25 divides 100
50 divides 100
100 divides 100