如何在 Pymol 中改变角度?

How to change angles in Pymol?


set_dihedral atom1_name, atom2_name, atom3_name, atom4_name, angle


set_dihedral 22/C, 23/C, 26/C, 27/C, 130



set_dihedral 23/CA, 23/C, 24/N, 24/CH3, 130


SetDihedral-Error: Selection 1 doesn't contain a single atom/vertex.
SetDihedral-Error: Selection 2 doesn't contain a single atom/vertex.
SetDihedral-Error: Selection 3 doesn't contain a single atom/vertex.
SetDihedral-Error: Selection 4 doesn't contain a single atom/vertex.

您确定吗,您的 3D 文件不包含 一个以上的结构 与您 select 的原子同名?您可以在此处 post 您的 .cif 文件。或者您可能必须使用不同的 selection 语法(例如 "name" C23 等 见下文 )。

例如,如果我使用 stearic acid 的结构,这将完美运行:

set_dihedral name c1,name c2,name c3,name c4, 130

enter dihedral angle in PyMOL with a selection of four atoms