从另一个 class 方法内部调用时无法正确模拟方法调用

Unable to properly mock method call when called from inside another class method

MyClass firstClass = PowerMockito.spy(new MyClass());

AnotherClass secondClass;
secondClass = PowerMockito.mock(AnotherClass.class);

int myInt = firstClass.myFunction();

if (myInt == 1) {

myFunction 调用 anotherFunction 和 returns anotherFunction.


但它并没有像我期望的那样返回 1 并打印 "true",相反它仍在执行其真正的功能。


An instance of AnotherClass is created inside myFunction then the instance is used to call secondClass.anotherFunction from inside myFunction.


public class MyClass {

    public int myFunction() {
        AnotherClass secondClass = new AnotherClass();

        int result = secondClass.anotherFunction(someValue);


        return result;

How can I use the mocked instance instead?

您要么重构以通过构造函数或方法参数注入第二个 class,这是一个干净的代码设计,要么您使用 powermock 模拟第二个 class 的初始化,这在我看来是糟糕的设计。

@PrepareForTest(MyClass.class) //<-- you must prepare the class creating the new instance
public class MyClassTest {
    public void test() {
        int expected = 1;                          
        //Mock second class
        AnotherClass secondClass;
        secondClass = PowerMockito.mock(AnotherClass.class);

        //mocking initialization of second class withing first class

        MyClass firstClass = new MyClass();

        int actual = firstClass.myFunction();

        assertEquals(expected, actual);

引用How to mock construction of new objects