VBA 根据其他文本框是否为空更改文本框中的值

VBA Change value in textbox based on whether other textboxes are empty




Private Sub arisk_box_Change()
If arisk_box.Text <> "" And adjust_box3.Text = "" Then
    rr_box.Value = arisk_box.Value
 ElseIf arisk_box.Text <> "" And adjust_box3.Text <> "" Then
    rr_box.Value = adjust_box3.Value
 End If
 End Sub

   *If arisk_box has a *VALUE* and adjust_box3 *DOES NOT* then rr_box = the value from arisk_box
  Elseif arisk_box AND adjust_box3 both have a *VALUE* then rr_box = the value from adjust_box3

最简单的方法是使用 2 个单独的宏,一个用于每个文本框更改事件。但它可能无法像您希望的那样顺利运行。我相信有人会有更高级的方法。

Private Sub adjust_box3_Change()
    If arisk_box <> "" And adjust_box3 = "" Then rr_box = arisk_box
End Sub

Private Sub arisk_box_Change()
    If arisk_box <> "" And adjust_box3 <> "" Then rr_box = adjust_box3
End Sub