C# 使用标记值阻止特定类型的答案
C# Blocking specific types of answers using a sentinel value
我正在编写代码以获得最高分和最低分。它还收集平均值。它使用 999 退出 do 循环。
我需要让它停止添加无效答案以及 999,但我无法让它工作。
(mark != 999) 停止将退出命令 999 添加到我们要跟踪的成绩中,但我需要做到这一点,以便它阻止高于 100 或低于 0 的标记,但我似乎无法得到它上班。
if (mark != 999 && (mark < 0 || mark > 100))
sum += mark;
int mark,
sum = 0,
lowMark = 100,
highMark = 0,
count = 0;
char playagain = 'N';
// In a do loop, ask the user to enter a grade for a student or 999 to quit
Console.Write("Please enter a mark for the student or enter 999 to quit: ");
mark = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
while (mark != 999)
if (mark != 999 && (mark < 0 || mark > 100))
sum += mark;
if (mark < lowMark)
lowMark = mark;
if (mark > highMark)
highMark = mark;
if (mark < 0 || mark > 100)
Console.WriteLine("Invalid input value.");
Console.Write("Please enter a mark for the student or enter 999 to quit: ");
mark = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
else break;
} while (mark != 999);
average = sum / count;
Console.WriteLine($"\nThe class average was {average}%");
Console.WriteLine($"The highest mark was {highMark}% and the lowest mark was {lowMark}%");
Console.WriteLine("\nWould you like to start again?: Y/N");
playagain = char.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
playagain = char.ToUpper(playagain);
} while (playagain == 'Y');
// In a while loop, the program will:
// - Determine if the entered mark is the highest or lowest grade
// - Validate the entered grade before entering another grade; display some error
// message if the grade is invalid (i.e. < 0 or > 100)
// - Prompt the user to enter another grade or 999 to quit
// If there are valid marks:
// - Calculate the average grade for the class
// - Display the average, highest, and lowest grades
// Else, display some error message
// - Prompt the user to redo the steps above or quit.
if (mark != 999 && (mark < 0 || mark > 100))
仅当您输入小于 0 或大于 100 的标记时才评估为真,这与您的要求相矛盾。所以条件应该写成
if (mark >= 0 && mark <= 100)
对于 while 循环,重点是决定何时中断或继续。一个好的做法是在开始时检查条件 ,如果满足某些条件,例如用户输入 999 或无效标记,则立即中断或继续,而不会继续。
while (true)
Console.Write("Please enter a mark for the student or enter 999 to quit: ");
mark = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
if (mark == 999) //get signal for exit
break; //go no further, stop the loop
if (mark < 0 || mark > 100) //invalid inputs
Console.WriteLine("Invalid input value.");
Console.Write("Please enter a mark for the student or enter 999 to quit: ");
continue; //go no further, continue the loop, let user input again
//handle valid inputs
sum += mark;
if (mark < lowMark)
lowMark = mark;
if (mark > highMark)
highMark = mark;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
bool playAgain = true;
while (playAgain)
decimal mark = 0, lowMark = -1, highMark = -1, sum = 0, average = 0;
int count = 0;
Console.Write("Please enter a mark for the student or enter 999 to quit: ");
if (!decimal.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out mark) ||
(mark < 0 || mark > 100 || (mark > 0 && mark < 1)))
Console.WriteLine("Invalid input value.");
mark = mark / (decimal)100;
sum += mark;
if (lowMark < 0 || mark < lowMark)
lowMark = mark;
if (mark > highMark)
highMark = mark;
} while (mark != 999);
average = count == 0 ? 0 : sum / count;
lowMark = lowMark < 0 ? 0 : lowMark;
highMark = highMark < 0 ? 0 : highMark;
Console.WriteLine("\nThe class average was {0}",
average.ToString("P1", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
Console.WriteLine("The highest mark was {0} and the lowest mark was {1}",
highMark.ToString("P1", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
lowMark.ToString("P1", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
Console.WriteLine("\nWould you like to start again?: Y/N");
playAgain = Console.ReadKey().Key == ConsoleKey.Y;
我正在编写代码以获得最高分和最低分。它还收集平均值。它使用 999 退出 do 循环。 我需要让它停止添加无效答案以及 999,但我无法让它工作。 (mark != 999) 停止将退出命令 999 添加到我们要跟踪的成绩中,但我需要做到这一点,以便它阻止高于 100 或低于 0 的标记,但我似乎无法得到它上班。
if (mark != 999 && (mark < 0 || mark > 100))
sum += mark;
int mark,
sum = 0,
lowMark = 100,
highMark = 0,
count = 0;
char playagain = 'N';
// In a do loop, ask the user to enter a grade for a student or 999 to quit
Console.Write("Please enter a mark for the student or enter 999 to quit: ");
mark = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
while (mark != 999)
if (mark != 999 && (mark < 0 || mark > 100))
sum += mark;
if (mark < lowMark)
lowMark = mark;
if (mark > highMark)
highMark = mark;
if (mark < 0 || mark > 100)
Console.WriteLine("Invalid input value.");
Console.Write("Please enter a mark for the student or enter 999 to quit: ");
mark = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
else break;
} while (mark != 999);
average = sum / count;
Console.WriteLine($"\nThe class average was {average}%");
Console.WriteLine($"The highest mark was {highMark}% and the lowest mark was {lowMark}%");
Console.WriteLine("\nWould you like to start again?: Y/N");
playagain = char.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
playagain = char.ToUpper(playagain);
} while (playagain == 'Y');
// In a while loop, the program will:
// - Determine if the entered mark is the highest or lowest grade
// - Validate the entered grade before entering another grade; display some error
// message if the grade is invalid (i.e. < 0 or > 100)
// - Prompt the user to enter another grade or 999 to quit
// If there are valid marks:
// - Calculate the average grade for the class
// - Display the average, highest, and lowest grades
// Else, display some error message
// - Prompt the user to redo the steps above or quit.
if (mark != 999 && (mark < 0 || mark > 100))
仅当您输入小于 0 或大于 100 的标记时才评估为真,这与您的要求相矛盾。所以条件应该写成
if (mark >= 0 && mark <= 100)
对于 while 循环,重点是决定何时中断或继续。一个好的做法是在开始时检查条件 ,如果满足某些条件,例如用户输入 999 或无效标记,则立即中断或继续,而不会继续。
while (true)
Console.Write("Please enter a mark for the student or enter 999 to quit: ");
mark = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
if (mark == 999) //get signal for exit
break; //go no further, stop the loop
if (mark < 0 || mark > 100) //invalid inputs
Console.WriteLine("Invalid input value.");
Console.Write("Please enter a mark for the student or enter 999 to quit: ");
continue; //go no further, continue the loop, let user input again
//handle valid inputs
sum += mark;
if (mark < lowMark)
lowMark = mark;
if (mark > highMark)
highMark = mark;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
bool playAgain = true;
while (playAgain)
decimal mark = 0, lowMark = -1, highMark = -1, sum = 0, average = 0;
int count = 0;
Console.Write("Please enter a mark for the student or enter 999 to quit: ");
if (!decimal.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out mark) ||
(mark < 0 || mark > 100 || (mark > 0 && mark < 1)))
Console.WriteLine("Invalid input value.");
mark = mark / (decimal)100;
sum += mark;
if (lowMark < 0 || mark < lowMark)
lowMark = mark;
if (mark > highMark)
highMark = mark;
} while (mark != 999);
average = count == 0 ? 0 : sum / count;
lowMark = lowMark < 0 ? 0 : lowMark;
highMark = highMark < 0 ? 0 : highMark;
Console.WriteLine("\nThe class average was {0}",
average.ToString("P1", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
Console.WriteLine("The highest mark was {0} and the lowest mark was {1}",
highMark.ToString("P1", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
lowMark.ToString("P1", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
Console.WriteLine("\nWould you like to start again?: Y/N");
playAgain = Console.ReadKey().Key == ConsoleKey.Y;