Lightsail 和 S3 之间的数据传输是否收费? [同一地区]

Does data transfer between lightsail and S3 cost any? [Same Region]

我一直在想 lightsail 和 S3 之间的数据传输是否免费。

例如,数据传输 OUT 从 S3 到我的 lightsail 实例,在 SAME 区域假设 ap-northeast-1


根据 Lightsail FAQ: What does data transfer cost?:

Your plan includes a free data transfer allowance. Both data transfer in and data transfer out of your instance count toward your data transfer allowance.

If you exceed your data transfer allowance, you will only get charged for data transfer OUT from a Lightsail instance to the Internet or to AWS resources using the public IP address of the instance.

看来,通过 public IP 地址(如 S3)访问 AWS 服务将计入您的数据传输限额,一旦使用完毕,您将需要支付数据传输费用。