从 Xamarin.Mac 中的其他人打开新自定义 Window

Opening a New Custom Window From Other in Xamarin.Mac

我的应用程序中有两个自定义 NSWindow,如下所示:

Window 1:

public partial class LoginVindow : NSWindow
        public LoginVindow (IntPtr handle) : base (handle)

Window 2:

public partial class OperationWindow : NSWindow
        public OperationWindow (IntPtr handle) : base (handle)

现在,我想在单击按钮后关闭第一个 Window 并打开第二个 Window。但是,此代码对我来说 运行 不可用。

 partial void LoginButton_Clicked(Foundation.NSObject sender)
        Window.Close(); // Closes the first login window.

        var operation_window = new OperationWindow(Handle); // Gets the second Window. IntPtr parameter is required unlike the internet codeblocks.

        operation_window.ShowWindow(this); // No any method like this.

互联网上的所有代码块似乎都是针对非定制标准 class NSWindow 项目,但其中一个对我来说似乎很稳定。然而,它不是运行ning。 (Xamarin 论坛中的Post:https://forums.xamarin.com/discussion/122359/open-and-close-window-programmatically-xamarin-mac



    // Get new window
    var storyboard = NSStoryboard.FromName("Main", null);
    var controller = storyboard.InstantiateControllerWithIdentifier("OperationsWindow") as NSWindowController;