使用列表中列表的 for 循环更新字典中的值

Updating Values in Dictionary with for Loop of a List within a List

我知道此 post 底部代码的 logic/syntax 已关闭,但我很难弄清楚如何编写此代码以获得所需的结果。第一部分创建此字典:

sco = {'human + big': 0, 'big + loud': 0, 'big + human': 0, 'human + loud': 0, 'loud + big': 0, 'loud + human': 0}

然后,我的意图是为 x 循环遍历字典 "cnt" 中的每个项目一次,然后在每次该项目具有与 (cnt[x) 相同的值时为 x 第二次循环字典][1]) 但是一个不同的键 (cnt[x][0]),创建一个与字典中找到的格式“%s + %s”相匹配的字符串 "sco." 然后它应该在中找到键sco 匹配分配给变量 dnt 的键并将 sco 中该键的值增加 1.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import itertools
sho = ('human', 'loud', 'big')
sco = {}
for a,b in itertools.permutations(sho, 2):
    sco["{0} + {1}".format(a,b)] = 0

cnt = [('human', 'ron g.'), ('loud', 'ron g.'), ('big', 'kim p.'), ('human', 'kim p.'), ('loud', 'brian a.'), ('human', 'linda m.'), ('loud', 'linda m.')]
for x in cnt:
    upd = cnt[x][0]
    who = cnt[x][1]
    for x in cnt:
        if cnt[x][0] != upd and cnt[x][1] == who:
            cpg = cnt[x][0]
            dnt = '%s + %s' % (upd, cpg)
            for i in sco:
                if sco[i][0] == dnt:
                    sco[i][1] += sco[i][1]
print sco

目前,打印 sco 不会导致任何值发生变化。代码的预期结果是:

{'human + big': 1, 'big + loud': 0, 'big + human': 1, 'human + loud': 2, 'loud + big': 0, 'loud + human': 2}



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import itertools
sho = ('human', 'loud', 'big')
sco = {}
for a,b in itertools.permutations(sho, 2):
    sco["{0} + {1}".format(a,b)] = 0

cnt = [('human', 'ron g.'), ('loud', 'ron g.'), ('big', 'kim p.'), ('human', 'kim p.'), ('loud', 'brian a.'), ('human', 'linda m.'), ('loud', 'linda m.')]
for x in cnt:
    upd = cnt[0]
    who = cnt[1]
    for x in cnt:
        if cnt[0] != upd and cnt[1] == who:
            cpg = cnt[0]
            dnt = '%s + %s' % (upd, cpg)
            sco[dnt] += 1
print sco

以下代码实现了我的预期。感谢@dermen & @abarnert:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import itertools
sho = ('human', 'loud', 'big')
sco = {}
for a,b in itertools.permutations(sho, 2):
    sco["{0} + {1}".format(a,b)] = 0

cnt = [('human', 'ron g.'), ('loud', 'ron g.'), ('big', 'kim p.'), ('human', 'kim p.'), ('loud', 'brian a.'), ('human', 'linda m.'), ('loud', 'linda m.')]
for x in cnt:
    upd = x[0]
    who = x[1]
    for x in cnt:
        if x[0] != upd and x[1] == who:
            cpg = x[0]
            dnt = '%s + %s' % (upd, cpg)
            sco[dnt] += 1
print sco

实际问题是,您不是将值加 1,而是将它们加倍:

sco[i][1] += sco[i][1]


要加1,只需使用+= 1

但是您还有另一个问题,至少在您发布的代码中。每个 sco[i] 值只是一个数字,而不是两个事物的列表,其中第二个是一个数字。所以你真正想要的是:

sco[i] += 1

同样,键不是 sco[i][0],它们只是 i



for i in sco:
    if i == dnt:
        sco[i] += 1


sco[dnt] += 1



除了@abarnert 回复的内容,字典的行为如下:

>>> D1 = { 'thing1': [1,2,3  ], 'thing2': ( 1, 2,3), 'thing3':'123'  }
>>> D1['thing1']
#[1, 2, 3]

>>> D1['thing2']
#(1, 2, 3)

>>> D1['thing3']

>>> thing4 = 1
>>> D2 = { thing4:D1 } 
>>> D2[thing4]
#{'thing1': [1, 2, 3], 'thing2': (1, 2, 3), 'thing3': '123'}


>>> D1.keys()
#['thing2', 'thing3', 'thing1']
>>> D2.keys()

最后,我建议为您的 "key" 制作一个模板,这样

>>> template = "{0} + {1}"


sco["{0} + {1}".format(a,b)] = 0

sco[template.format(a,b)] = 0 


dnt = '%s + %s' % (upd, cpg) 

dnt = template.format(upd, cpg)

-我认为这是更安全的做法。阅读更多关于字典的内容 here, see section 5.5.

使用 defaultdict 并按元组中的项目分组的解决方案:

import itertools
from collections import defaultdict

sho = ('human', 'loud', 'big')
sco = {}
for a, b in itertools.permutations(sho, 2):
  sco["{0} + {1}".format(a, b)] = 0

cnt = [('human', 'ron g.'), ('loud', 'ron g.'), ('big', 'kim p.'), ('human', 'kim p.'), ('loud', 'brian a.'), ('human', 'linda m.'), ('loud', 'linda m.')]

groups = defaultdict(list)

for obj in cnt:

final_list = []

# create list of pairs a + b
final_list.extend(map(lambda x: " + ".join(x), groups.values()))

for key in groups.keys():

# create list of pairs b + a
final_list.extend(map(lambda x: " + ".join(x), groups.values()))

for val in final_list:
  if val in sco:
    sco[val] += 1



  • cnt 元组按人分组到字典中
  • 从上一步创建值对列表
  • 创建反向对(根据OP的预期结果)
  • 计数 sco
  • 中存在的对


 {'human + loud': 2, 'loud + human': 2, 'loud + big': 0, 'human + big': 1, 'big + loud': 0, 'big + human': 1}