SQL 第一行结果相反

SQL First row result in reverse

SELECT item_description, item_variant, branch, GROUP_CONCAT(sum ORDER BY 'date') AS chartData
        FROM (
        SELECT item_description, item_variant, branch, SUM(sales) AS sum
        FROM inventory_branches
        WHERE (item_description = 'agapanthus') AND (date BETWEEN '2018-06' AND '2018-08')
        GROUP BY item_description, item_variant, branch, MONTH(date) DESC
        ) T
        GROUP BY item_description, item_variant, branch, MONTH('date') 
        LIMIT 5

上面的代码 returns 除了第一行之外的所有行都正确。 chartData中第一组数据倒过来

In the first row, the 20 should be after the 58


我假设您 table 中有一个名为 date 的列。要按它排序,请使用 ORDER BY date 而不是 ORDER BY 'date',即不要将列名括在单引号中。 'date' 只是一个字符串文字,按它排序就像根本不排序一样,因为它对所有行都是相等的。