Python Code128条码字体的Code128编码器

Python Code128 encoder for Code128 barcode font

正如标题所说,我有一个 Code128 字体,我想用它来打印条形码。但是,字符串需要以 Code128 编码才能使条形码字体正常工作。我的应用程序使用 Python3 语言。

网络上曾经有一个示例如何将字符串编码为 Code128 字体,但我找不到了。

想要一个字符串到 .svg 的转换器。我特别想将字符串转换为Code128编码的字符串。

Python3 或文档中的任何参考、代码片段将不胜感激。

编辑:我使用 here 中的字体。


def list_join(seq):
    ''' Join a sequence of lists into a single list, much like str.join
        will join a sequence of strings into a single string.
    return [x for sub in seq for x in sub]

code128B_mapping = dict((chr(c), [98, c+64] if c < 32 else [c-32]) for c in range(128))
code128C_mapping = dict([(u'%02d' % i, [i]) for i in range(100)] + [(u'%d' % i, [100, 16+i]) for i in range(10)])
code128_chars = u''.join(chr(c) for c in [212] + list(range(33,126+1)) + list(range(200,211+1)))

def encode128(s):
    ''' Code 128 conversion for a font as described at and downloaded
        Only encodes ASCII characters, does not take advantage of
        FNC4 for bytes with the upper bit set. Control characters
        are not optimized and expand to 2 characters each.
        Coded for 
    if s.isdigit() and len(s) >= 2:
        # use Code 128C, pairs of digits
        codes = [105] + list_join(code128C_mapping[s[i:i+2]] for i in range(0, len(s), 2))
        # use Code 128B and shift for Code 128A
        codes = [104] + list_join(code128B_mapping[c] for c in s)
    check_digit = (codes[0] + sum(i * x for i,x in enumerate(codes))) % 103
    codes.append(106) # stop code
    return u''.join(code128_chars[x] for x in codes)

def encode128(s):
    ''' Code 128 conversion for a font as described at and downloaded
        Only encodes ASCII characters, does not take advantage of
        FNC4 for bytes with the upper bit set.
        It does not attempt to optimize the length of the string,
        Code B is the default to prefer lower case over control characters.
        Coded for 
    s = s.encode('ascii').decode('ascii')
    if s.isdigit() and len(s) % 2 == 0:
        # use Code 128C, pairs of digits
        codes = [105]
        for i in range(0, len(s), 2):
            codes.append(int(s[i:i+2], 10))
        # use Code 128B and shift for Code 128A
        mapping = dict((chr(c), [98, c + 64] if c < 32 else [c - 32]) for c in range(128))
        codes = [104]
        for c in s:
    check_digit = (codes[0] + sum(i * x for i,x in enumerate(codes))) % 103
    codes.append(106) # stop code
    chars = (b'\xd4' + bytes(range(33,126+1)) + bytes(range(200,211+1))).decode('latin-1')
    return ''.join(chars[x] for x in codes)