为什么用@Transactional 注释的方法必须是可覆盖的

Why must methods annotated with @Transactional be overrideable


 * Restored deleted partner
public void restorePartnerById(Integer id){
    // logic      


 * Restored deleted partner
public final void restorePartnerById(Integer id){
    // logic      


Methods annotated with @Transactional must be overridable


Spring 的 Transactional 用于创建覆盖方法的代理 class:

create a transactional proxy around the object that is created from the fooService bean definition. The proxy will be configured with the transactional advice, so that when an appropriate method is invoked on the proxy

我认为将方法更改为 final 与 @Trasacational 无关,请参阅此 link @Trasactional 将如何工作 http://www.codingpedia.org/jhadesdev/how-does-spring-transactional-really-work/