在 Elm 的绑定中是否允许进入惰性?

Is let-in lazy in its bindings in Elm?

我有两个功能 A 和 B,可以同时禁用、启用 A、启用 B,但不能同时启用。看完后 Making Impossible States Impossible 我想尝试在类型级别上强制执行此操作。


module Main exposing (main)

import Browser
import Html exposing (Html, button, div, text)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)

type Model
  = NoneEnabled
  | AEnabled
  | BEnabled

init : Model
init = NoneEnabled

type Msg
  = EnableA
  | DisableA
  | EnableB
  | DisableB

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
  let -- Buttons to enable and disable features
      buttons =
        div [] [ button [onClick EnableA] [text "Enable A"]
               , button [onClick DisableA] [text "Disable A"]
               , button [onClick EnableB] [text "Enable B"]
               , button [onClick DisableB] [text "Disable B"]

      -- All possible feature states
      aEnabled  = div [] [text "A enabled"]
      aDisabled = div [] [text "A disabled"]
      bEnabled  = div [] [text "B enabled"]
      bDisabled = div [] [text "B disabled"]
  in case model of
       NoneEnabled ->
         div [] [buttons, aDisabled, bDisabled]
       AEnabled ->
         div [] [buttons, aEnabled, bDisabled]
       BEnabled ->
         div [] [buttons, aDisabled, bEnabled]

update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
  case (msg, model) of
    (EnableA, _) ->
    (EnableB, _) ->
    (DisableA, AEnabled) ->
    (DisableB, BEnabled) ->
    _ ->

main : Program () Model Msg
main =
  Browser.sandbox { init = init, update = update, view = view }

我的 aEnabledaDisabledbEnabledbDisabled 特征在 view 中的计算成本可能很高。无论 case model of 采用哪个分支,它们都会被评估,还是我可以仅依赖被评估的已用功能?


f c x =
  let a = x + 1
      b = x + 2
  in case c of
       True ->
       False ->

f True 0 会在 let 表达式中强制计算 b 吗?

Elm 的 let/in 语句不会延迟计算。你可以用一些Debug.log语句来证明这一点:

f c x =
  let a = Debug.log "a calculated" <| x + 1
      b = Debug.log "b calculated" <| x + 2
  in case c of
       True ->
       False ->

只调用一次 f 会将两条消息都记录到控制台,而不管输入是什么。 Example here.

绕过这个障碍的一种方法是要求 ab 的任意参数,例如单位 ():

f c x =
  let a () = Debug.log "a calculated" <| x + 1
      b () = Debug.log "b calculated" <| x + 2
  in case c of
       True ->
         a ()
       False ->
         b ()

此变体将仅计算函数 a b.