
How to switch smoothly from qdap::mgsub() to textclean::mgsub()?

由于 R 版本问题,我需要在 qdap::mgsub()textclean::mgsub() 之间切换。功能几乎相同,除了参数的顺序:


我有很多代码使用 qdap::mgsub()。不幸的是,当我将参数传递给函数时,我没有正确命名参数。所以我需要重新排序所有这些以便能够使用 textclean::mgsub().



replace_mgsub <- function(path) {
    file_text <- readr::read_file(path)
    file_text <- gsub("qdap::mgsub\(([^, ]+) *, *([^, ]+) *, *([^\)]) *\)",
                      "textclean::mgsub\(\3, \1, \2\)", file_text)
    readr::write_file(file_text, path)

然后你会调用每个相关的 path (我假设你知道你需要调用函数的文件列表;如果没有,请在下面评论,我可以添加一些东西) .这是函数 gsub() 部分的演示:

file_text <- "qdap::mgsub(pattern,replacement,x)"
cat(gsub("qdap::mgsub\(([^, ]+) *, *([^, ]+) *, *([^\)]) *\)",
         "textclean::mgsub\(\3, \1, \2\)", file_text))
#> textclean::mgsub(x, pattern, replacement)
file_text <- "# I'll have in this part some irrelevant code
# to show it won't interfere with that
y = rnorm(1000)
z = rnorm(10)
# And also demonstrate multiple occurrences of the function
# as well as illustrate that it doesn't matter if you have spaces
# between comma separated arguments
qdap::mgsub(pattern, replacement, x)"
cat(gsub("qdap::mgsub\(([^, ]+) *, *([^, ]+) *, *([^\)]) *\)",
         "textclean::mgsub\(\3, \1, \2\)", file_text))
#> # I'll have in this part some irrelevant code
#> # to show it won't interfere with that
#> y = rnorm(1000)
#> textclean::mgsub(x, pattern, replacement)
#> z = rnorm(10)
#> # And also demonstrate multiple occurrences of the function
#> # as well as illustrate that it doesn't matter if you have spaces
#> # between comma separated arguments
#> textclean::mgsub(x, pattern, replacement)

思考@duckmayr 的回答,我想到了另一个解决我问题的方法:


reorder_mgsub <- function(pattern,replacement,x){
  output <- textclean::mgsub(x,pattern,replacement)

其次:查找 qdap::mgsub 并将其替换为 reorder_mgsub

这个解决方案可能不太优雅,因为我必须手动执行第 2 步,但对我来说效果很好。



reorder_mgsub <- function(pattern,replacement,x, leadspace = FALSE, trailspace = FALSE, 
fixed = TRUE, trim = FALSE, order.pattern = fixed, safe = FALSE, 
    if (!is.null(list(...)$ignore.case) & fixed) {
        warning(paste0("`ignore.case = TRUE` can't be used with `fixed = TRUE`.\n", 
            "Do you want to set `fixed = FALSE`?"), call. = FALSE)
    if (safe) {
        return(mgsub_regex_safe(x = x, pattern = pattern, replacement = replacement, 
    if (leadspace | trailspace) {
        replacement <- spaste(replacement, trailing = trailspace, 
            leading = leadspace)
    if (fixed && order.pattern) {
        ord <- rev(order(nchar(pattern)))
        pattern <- pattern[ord]
        if (length(replacement) != 1) 
            replacement <- replacement[ord]
    if (length(replacement) == 1) {
        replacement <- rep(replacement, length(pattern))
    if (any(!nzchar(pattern))) {
        good_apples <- which(nzchar(pattern))
        pattern <- pattern[good_apples]
        replacement <- replacement[good_apples]
        warning(paste0("Empty pattern found (i.e., `pattern = \"\"`).\n", 
            "This pattern and replacement have been removed."), 
            call. = FALSE)
    for (i in seq_along(pattern)) {
        x <- gsub(pattern[i], replacement[i], x, fixed = fixed, 
    if (trim) {
        x <- gsub("\s+", " ", gsub("^\s+|\s+$", "", x, perl = TRUE), 
            perl = TRUE)


assignInNamespace('mgsub', reorder_mgsub, 'textclean')

应该将更新后的函数分配给 textclean 包的命名空间,并且使用 textclean::mgsub 的任何代码现在都将使用更新后的函数。这样就不需要更改所有代码了。