Hyperledger Composer returns 错误 GetState 没有分类帐上下文

Hyperledger Composer returns error No ledger context for GetState

我目前正在 Hyperledger Composer 中开发交易。此交易将创建 2 个不同的资产:资产 A 和资产 B。 资产 A 有一个类型为资产 B 的字段。所以我首先需要创建资产 B,然后用 link 到资产 B 创建资产 A。经过一些努力,我成功地实现了逻辑。现在同行returns出现以下错误:

2018-10-10T14:06:14.022Z [5ad2a944] DEBUG :NodeDataCollection :add() > assetAIdValue, {"$class": "mynamespace.assetA","assetAId": "assetAIdValue","assetAFieldX": "assetAFieldXValue","assetB": ["resource:mynamespace.assetB#assetBIdValue1", "resource:mynamespace.assetB#assetBIdValue2"]},"$registryType":"Asset","$registryId":"mynamespace.assetA"}, false

(node:17) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 2): Error: Error when creating AssetA with id assetAIdValue

Error: [5ad2a944]No ledger context for GetState. Sending ERROR


namespace mynamespace

 * Definition of createAssetA transaction
transaction createAssetA{
  o String assetAId
  o String assetAFieldX
  o AssetB[] assetB

 * Definition of AssetA asset
asset AssetA identified by assetAId{
  o String assetAId
  o String assetAFieldX
  --> AssetB[] assetB

 * Definition of assetB asset
asset AssetB identified by AssetBId{
  o String assetBId
  o String assetBFieldX
  o String assetBFieldY

这是我的 logic.js

* Creates the assets assetB and assetA
* @param {mynamespace.createAssetA} createAssetA - the AssetA to create
* @transaction
function createAssetA(createAssetA) {
    return getAssetRegistry('mynamespace.AssetB')
        .then(function (assetBRegistry) {
            // Add all the AssetBs to the AssetB registry
                }, function(error) {
                    throw new Error ('Error while creating AssetBs' + '\n' + error);
                } );

 * Function to add assetA asset to registry
 * @param {*} createAssetA - The createAssetA Transaction containing the assetA info
function addAssetA(createAssetA){
    return getAssetRegistry('mynamespace.AssetA')
        .then(function (assetARegistry) {
            var newAssetA = castcreateAssetATxToAsset(createAssetA);
            return assetARegistry.add(newAssetA).catch(function (error) {
                throw new Error ('Error when creating AssetA with id ' + createAssetA.id + '\n' + error);

 * Casts the createAssetA transaction as a AssetA Asset
 * @param {*} createAssetA - The transaction createAssetA to cast
 * @returns {mynamespace.AssetA} the AssetA Asset with the info from the createAssetA param
function castcreateAssetATxToAsset(createAssetA){
    var factory = getFactory();
    // Create a new instance of AssetA class from the mynamespace namespace with the id createAssetA.id
    var newAssetA = factory.newResource('mynamespace', 'AssetA', createAssetA.id);
    newAssetA.assetAFieldX = createAssetA.assetAFieldX;
    newAssetA.assetB = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < createAssetA.assetB.length; i++) {
        var assetB = factory.newRelationship('mynamespace', 'assetB', createAssetA.assetB[i].id);
        newAssetA.assetB[i] = assetB;
    return newAssetA;


 "$class": "mynamespace.createAssetA",
 "assetAId": "assetAIdValue",
 "assetAFieldX": "assetAFieldXValue",
 "assetB": [
   "$class": "mynamespace.assetB",
   "assetBId": "assetBIdValue1",
   "assetBFieldX": "assetBFieldXValue",
   "assetBFieldY": "assetBFieldYValue"
   "$class": "mynamespace.assetB",
   "assetBId": "assetBIdValue2",
   "assetBFieldX": "assetBFieldXValue",
   "assetBFieldY": "assetBFieldYValue"


另一个问题: 只有当我查看链码容器时才会出现此错误。任何人都知道如何让它们从 Composer REST 服务器可见?

看起来您在承诺链中的代码中缺少视图 return 语句,但 TP 函数支持 async/await 我强烈建议您使用它而不是承诺链代码更容易阅读。例如(注,未测试)

 * Creates the assets assetB and assetA
 * @param {mynamespace.createAssetA} createAssetA - the AssetA to create
 * @transaction
async function createAssetA(createAssetA) {
    try {
        const assetBRegistry = await getAssetRegistry('mynamespace.AssetB');
        await assetBRegistry.addAll(createAssetA.assetB);
        await addAssetA(createAssetA);
    } catch(error) {
        throw new Error ('Error while creating AssetBs' + '\n' + error);

 * Function to add assetA asset to registry
 * @param {*} createAssetA - The createAssetA Transaction containing the assetA info
async function addAssetA(createAssetA){
    try {
        const assetARegistry = await getAssetRegistry('mynamespace.AssetA');
        const newAssetA = castcreateAssetATxToAsset(createAssetA);
        await assetARegistry.add(newAssetA);
    } catch(error) {
        throw new Error ('Error when creating AssetA with id ' + createAssetA.id + '\n' + error);

 * Casts the createAssetA transaction as a AssetA Asset
 * @param {*} createAssetA - The transaction createAssetA to cast
 * @returns {mynamespace.AssetA} the AssetA Asset with the info from the createAssetA param
function castcreateAssetATxToAsset(createAssetA){
    const factory = getFactory();
    // Create a new instance of AssetA class from the mynamespace namespace with the id createAssetA.id
    let newAssetA = factory.newResource('mynamespace', 'AssetA', createAssetA.id);
    newAssetA.assetAFieldX = createAssetA.assetAFieldX;
    newAssetA.assetB = [];
    for (let i = 0; i