
Given an index position, how can I split out the sentence that that position lies in?

我正在使用 JavaScript,我的文字是:

Dana's places, we're having people coming to us people wanna buy condos. They want to move quickly and we're just losing out on a lot of great places. Really what would you say this?

如果我的索引位置是6,我只想得到第一句:Dana's places, we're having people coming to us people wanna buy condos.

如果我的索引位置是80,我只想得到第二句:They want to move quickly and we're just losing out on a lot of great places.


如果你分期。字符串对象有一个名为 split 的原型方法,returns 一个拆分字符串的数组。在下面的示例中,str 是一个保存字符串的变量。

const str = 'first sentence. Second sentence. third sentence';
const sentences = str.split('.');
sentences[0] // first sentence
sentences[1] // second sentence, etc


分期。 获取字符串的长度。 根据句子长度确定索引的位置。

考虑到您需要拆分“?, !”同样,您只需要遍历句子并将它们进一步扁平化。阿卡,再次分裂。



    const paragraph = "Dana's places, we're having people coming to us people wanna buy condos. They want to move quickly and we're just losing out on a lot of great places. Really what would you say this?"

     * Finds sentence by character index
     * @param index 
     * @param paragraph 
    function findSentenceByCharacterIndex(index, paragraph) {

        const regex = /([^.!?]*[.!?])/gm

        const matches = paragraph.match(regex);

        let cursor = 0;

        let sentenceFound;

        for (const sentence of matches) {

            sentenceFound = sentence;

            cursor += sentence.length;

            if( cursor > index )

        return sentenceFound;

    const found = findSentenceByCharacterIndex(5, paragraph);

与其尝试使用 Array.split,不如对字符串进行一些传统字符的字符解析。因为我们知道要查找的索引是什么,所以我们可以简单地四处寻找句子的开头和结尾。

一个句子如何结束?通常使用 .!? - 了解这一点后,我们可以测试这些字符并决定我们使用字符串的哪一部分应该切掉 return 回到程序。如果在我们选择的索引之前没有 sentence enders(a.e.?!.) 我们假设字符串的开头是当前句子的开头( 0) - 我们在我们选择的索引之后做同样的事情,除了我们分配 str.length 如果在索引之后没有句子结束符。

let str = "Dana's places, we're having people coming to us people wanna buy condos. They want to move quickly and we're just losing out on a lot of great places. Really what would you say this?";

let getSentence = (ind, str) => {
  let beg, end, flag, sentenceEnder = ["!", ".", "?"];
  Array.from(str).forEach((c, c_index) => {
  if(c_index < ind && sentenceEnder.includes(c)) {
   beg = c_index + 1;
    if (flag) return;
    if (c_index >= ind && sentenceEnder.includes(c)) {
      end = c_index;
      flag = true;
  end = end || str.length;
  beg = beg || 0;
  return str.slice(beg, end);

console.log(getSentence(10, str));
console.log(getSentence(80, str));