类型级递归和 PolyKinds

Type-level recursion and PolyKinds

我正在尝试实现一个多态函数,它基本上遍历一个类型,累积一个 Tag 值。我希望用户能够做,例如rec ((1,2), ('a', 3)).

{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures, PolyKinds, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
import Data.Proxy

newtype Tag (a :: k) = Tag Int
    deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

-- My users only have to define their own instances of this class...
class Tagged (a :: k) where
  tag :: Tag a

-- ...like these:
instance Tagged Int where
  tag = Tag 1

instance Tagged Char where
  tag = Tag 2

instance Tagged (,) where
  tag = Tag 3

-- While this is a morally "closed" class; implementing recursion over
-- components of types. This is what I'm struggling with:
class Rec (a :: k) where
  rec :: proxy a -> Tag a

instance (Rec ab, Rec c)=> Rec (ab c) where
  rec _ = let Tag ab = rec Proxy :: Tag ab
              Tag c = rec Proxy :: Tag c
           in Tag (ab * c)

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Tagged a=> Rec a where
  rec _ = tag :: Tag a

我以各种方式解决了这个问题,在当前版本中得到了错误(对于 abc,在第一个实例中):

    • Could not deduce (Tagged ab) arising from a use of ‘rec’
      from the context: (Rec ab, Rec c)
        bound by the instance declaration at flook.hs:26:10-37
    • In the expression: rec Proxy :: Tag ab
      In a pattern binding: Tag ab = rec Proxy :: Tag ab
      In the expression:
          Tag ab = rec Proxy :: Tag ab
          Tag c = rec Proxy :: Tag c
        in Tag (ab * c)
27 |   rec _ = let Tag ab = rec Proxy :: Tag ab
   |                        ^^^^^^^^^



我认为你应该跳过两个 类。一个就够了。

缺点是您的用户将无法在您的设计中编写对应于 instance Tagged (Maybe Int) 的实例,这些实例为复合类型做一些特殊的事情......但他们已经无法真正使用这些,因为Rec 的应用程序实例无论如何都会与它重叠。


{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

import Data.Tagged

class Rec a where rec :: Tagged a Int

-- it is still possible for users to define their own instances for base types
instance Rec Int  where rec = 1
instance Rec Char where rec = 2
instance Rec (,)  where rec = 3

instance (Rec ab, Rec c) => Rec (ab c) where
  rec = retag (rec :: Tagged ab Int) * retag (rec :: Tagged c Int)

在 ghci 中:

> rec :: Tagged ((Int, Int), Char) Int
Tagged 18