Google 放置自动完成地址 API 强制 HTML 自动完成 = 关闭

Google Place Autcomplete Address API forces HTML Autocomplete = Off

我们有标准的地址表格(街道 1、街道 2、城市、州、邮政编码、国家/地区)。

当我在 Street 1 添加 Google Places Autocomplete API 的代码时,它会在加载页面时自动将输入字段自动完成更改为关闭,这使得 HTML/Browser Autofills 无法正常工作街道 1.

<input autocomplete="address-line1" type = "text" name = "shipping_address_1" id = "shipping_address_1"   class="ct-required form-control" tabindex=7>

关于如何纠正这个问题的任何想法;为什么 Google 放置自动完成 API 将字段更改为 autocomplete='off'

我试图将 Google javascript 变量 "autocomplete" 修改为 "autocomp",认为它与此有关,但结果仍然相同。

      var placeSearch, autocomp;
  var componentForm = {
    shipping_address_1: 'short_name',
    shipping_address_2: 'long_name',
    shipping_city: 'long_name',
    shipping_state: 'short_name',
    shipping_country: 'long_name',
    shipping_zip: 'short_name'

  function initAutocomplete() {
    // Create the autocomplete object, restricting the search to geographical
    // location types.
    autocomp = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(
        /** @type {!HTMLInputElement} */(document.getElementById('shipping_address_1')),
            types: ['geocode'],
            componentRestrictions: {country: "us"}

    // When the user selects an address from the dropdown, populate the address
    // fields in the form.
    autocomp.addListener('place_changed', fillInAddress);

  function fillInAddress() {
    // Get the place details from the autocomplete object.
    var place = autocomp.getPlace();
    //debug autofillinplaes

    for (var component in componentForm) {
      document.getElementById(component).value = '';
      document.getElementById(component).disabled = false;

if (place.address_components) {
    // Get each component of the address from the place details
    // and fill the corresponding field on the form.

    var components_by_type = {};

    for (var i = 0; i < place.address_components.length; i++) {
      var addressType = place.address_components[i].types[0];
      var c = place.address_components[i];
      components_by_type[c.types[0]] = c;

     var streetnumb = components_by_type['street_number'].short_name;

          var address1 = streetnumb+" "+components_by_type['route'].long_name;
            document.getElementById('shipping_address_1').value = address1;

         var locality = components_by_type['locality'].long_name;     
        document.getElementById('shipping_city').value = locality;

         var administrative_area_level_1 = components_by_type['administrative_area_level_1'].short_name;      
        document.getElementById('shipping_state').value = administrative_area_level_1;

          var country = components_by_type['country'].short_name;             
        document.getElementById('shipping_country').value = country;

          var postal_code = components_by_type['postal_code'].short_name;         
        document.getElementById('shipping_zip').value = postal_code;
autocomp = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(
            types: ['geocode'],
            componentRestrictions: {country: "us"}

通过编写上面的代码,您告诉 GMaps 这是您需要预测地点的字段。它有点像地点的搜索栏,任何类型的搜索栏都不会在 it.It 上自动完成如果它由浏览器自动填充就没有任何意义。

如果您想要那样做,请使用 WebService API,发送 HTTP 请求并用其响应填充字段。

来自文档, 请求在以加利福尼亚州旧金山为中心的区域内包含字符串 "Amoeba" 的机构:,-122.44696&strictbounds&key=YOUR_API_KEY 使用查询参数 input=Paris&types=geocode 对上述 URL 的 GET 请求将给出包含预测的 JSON 对象。

  "status": "OK",
  "predictions" : [
         "description" : "Paris, France",
         "id" : "691b237b0322f28988f3ce03e321ff72a12167fd",
         "matched_substrings" : [
               "length" : 5,
               "offset" : 0
    ... more results