使用 Rx java Observable 一次进行多个异步调用(fire and forget calls)

Make multiple asynchronous calls(fire and forget calls) at once using Rx java Observable

我有一个下游 api 调用列表(大约 10 个),我需要立即异步调用它们。到目前为止,我一直在使用可调用文件

List<RequestContextPreservingCallable <FutureResponse>> callables

我会将 api 调用添加到此列表,并在末尾使用 executeAsyncNoReturnRequestContextPreservingCallables 提交它。

使用 Rx java Observables 我该怎么做?

List<RequestContextPreservingCallable<FutureResponse>> callables = new 


//execute all the calls

您可以使用 zip 运算符。 zip operator 可以获取多个 observables 并同时执行它们,并在所有结果到达后继续执行。


按照你的例子。假设您有多个 API 调用来获取名称和会话等,如下所示

Observable.zip(getNameRequest(), getSessionIdRequest(), new BiFunction<String, String, Object>() {
        public Object apply(String name, String sessionId) throws Exception {
            // here you will get all the results once everything is completed. you can then take these 
            // results and transform into another object and returnm from here. I decided to transform the results into an Object[]
            // the retuen type of this apply funtion is generic, so you can choose what to return
            return new Object[]{name, sessionId};
    .subscribeOn(Schedulers.io())  // will start this entire chain in an IO thread
    .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) // observeOn will filp the thread to the given one , so that the downstream will be executed in the specified thread. here I'm switching to main at this point onwards
    .subscribeWith(new DisposableObserver<Object>() {
        public void onNext(Object finalResult) {
           // here you will get the final result with all the api results

        public void onError(Throwable e) {
            // any error during the entire process will be triggered here

        public void onComplete() {
             //will be called once the whole chain is completed and terminated

您甚至可以将可观察值列表传递给 zip,如下所示

    List<Observable<String>> requests = new ArrayList<>();

    Observable.zip(requests, new Function<Object[], Object[]>() {
        public Object[] apply(Object[] objects) throws Exception {
            return new Object[]{objects[0], objects[1]};
    }).subscribeWith(new DisposableObserver<Object[]>() {
        public void onNext(Object[] objects) {


        public void onError(Throwable e) {


        public void onComplete() {
