按文件名或扩展名过滤片段,例如 *.spec.ts 和 *.spec.js?

Filter a snippet by filename or extension, like *.spec.ts and *.spec.js?

我想添加几个片段以在创建 javascript/typescript 单元测试时使用,但我找不到任何方法将片段的全局范围设置为 *.spec.ts*.spec.js

这可能吗? In the documentation they say that the scope is bases on the language identifier 但我刚刚看到一种方法可以为那里的每种语言添加另一个扩展。

您可以对片段执行此操作。在你的 keybindings.json:

    "key": "shift+alt+2",
    "command": "editor.action.insertSnippet",

    "when": "resourceFilename =~ /\.spec\.[tj]s$/",

    // with the snippet text directly in the keybinding   

    "args": {
      "snippet": "console.log()[=10=]"


  "key": "shift+alt+2",
  "command": "editor.action.insertSnippet",
  "when": "resourceFilename =~ /\.spec\.[tj]s$/",
  "args": {
    "name": "unit tests"


"unit tests": {
    //  "prefix": "",  // not used here

    "body": [

限制代码段范围的关键是这个 when 子句:

"when": "resourceFilename =~ /\.spec\.[tj]s$/",

作为正则表达式,它会查找以 .spec.ts.spec.js 结尾的文件名(请注意,您需要在句点之前进行两次转义)。因此,使用 resourceFileName 并构建一个查看其末尾的正则表达式。

现在您选择的键绑定仅在 *.spec.ts*.spec.js 文件中有效。

a when clause acting as a regular expression, in keybindings documentation:

key-value when clause operator

There is a key-value pair operator for when clauses. The expression key =~ value treats the right hand side as a regular expression to match against the left hand side. For example, to contribute context menu items for all Docker files, one could use:

"when": "resourceFilename =~ /docker/"

由于这个问题,我找到了这个:resourceExtname with two dots not working