为什么我的表单多次发布并且 Socket 发出多个事件?

Why is my form is POSTING multiple times and Socket emitting multiple events?

PROBLEM: When the start/stop button is clicked for FIRST time, the stream starts and stops correctly. The second time, when start button is clicked the router.post() is posting TWICE to server. And when STOP button is clicked the socket event emits twice.

从这一点开始,start/stop 按钮会以指数方式触发多个 post 请求(开始)和套接字事件(停止流)。代码崩溃...


Stoping Stream...
Closing stream...
close stream:  false
startz undefined
POST DEF: false
startStream DEF: true
starting stream...
POST / 200 12.608 ms - 4
startz undefined
POST DEF: true
startStream DEF: true
starting stream...



module.exports = function(io) {
  let _stream = {};
  let on_stream = false;

 router.post('/', async (req, res) => {
    // console.log("raw obj " + req.body.searchTerm);
    console.log("startz " + req.body.startBtn);
    console.log("POST DEF:", on_stream);



io.on('connection', function(socket) {
  console.log('a user connected index outside routerrr');

  // Listen to stop Button being clicked
  socket.on('stopStream', function()  {
    console.log("Stoping Stream...");
    if(on_stream) {
      console.log("SOCKET DEF:", on_stream);


// start stream
function startStream(term) {
  // return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // console.log("TERM _" +term);
    client.stream('statuses/filter', { track: term }, function(stream) {
      _stream = stream;
      on_stream = true;
      console.log("startStream DEF:", on_stream);

      console.log("starting stream...");
      _stream.on('data', function(tweet) {
      console.log(tweet.text + "Streaming");
          // socket.emit('tweet', tweet.text);

      _stream.on('error', function(error) {
        console.log("erorr:: " + error);
          throw error;

function closeStream() {
  console.log('Closing stream...');
  on_stream = false;
  console.log("close stream: ", on_stream );

   return router;


function startSearchForm() {
   $("#startBtn").on('click', function() {

        let form = $("#search-form");
        let query = form.serialize();
        $.post('/', query);
function stopSearchForm() {
    $("#stopBtn").on('click', function() {
        let startSearchValue = $("#searchTerm").val("");
        console.log("Stop Stream...");
        socket.emit('stopStream', function(data) {
            console.log("Stream Stop Complete");

        // let form = $("#searchStop-form");
        // let query = form.serialize();
        // console.log(query);
        // $.post('/', query);


  form#search-form(action='javascript:startSearchForm()', method='POST')
    input(type="text" id="searchedTerm" name="searchTerm" placeholder="#hastag" required)
    button(type="submit"  name="startBtn" id="startBtn") Search

  form#searchStop-form(action='javascript:stopSearchForm()', method='POST')
    input(type="text" id="stopSearch" name="stopSearch" value="stopSearch" hidden)
    button(type="submit" id="stopBtn" name="stopBtn") Stop

如何只删除行 $("#startBtn").on('click', function() {$("#stopBtn").on('click', function() {(以及每行的结尾 });)?看起来 startSearchFormstopSearchForm 已经在点击时被调用了,所以让他们来做吧。