事件和事件对象如何在 amp-story 中工作?是否有完整的 AMP 事件和操作列表?是否有 amp-story 的完整列表?

How do events and event objects work in amp-story? Is there a full list of AMP events and actions? Is there a full list for amp-story?


So far, the only event we've seen is tap, and the only actions we've seen are open, close, and dismiss. You might be curious about what others are available. While tap applies to all elements, most events in AMP are specific to particular elements. For example, forms have submit , submit-success, and submit-error events, and input elements have a change event , while amp-selector has a select event, to name a few. There are many more; for a full list of AMP events and actions, see Appendix B, Actions and Events.

Event Objects

When an event occur in HTML, the event belongs to a certain event object, like a mouse click event belongs to the MouseEvent object.

The Event Object

All event objects are based on the Event Object, and inherits all of it's properties and methods


通常可以在 AMP Actions and Events documentation 中找到 AMP 的完整列表。

对于 AMP 故事,目前不支持任何事件。