Imagick - ImagickException 未授权 @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/412 错误

Imagick - ImagickException not authorized @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/412 error

我正在尝试将 pdf 加载到 imagick 中,但我得到以下结果:

(1/1) ImagickException
not authorized `/var/sample.pdf' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/412


$imagick = new Imagick( '/var/sample.pdf' );

Imagick 一直为我工作,但更新后,任何文件、任何地方都会发生此异常。该文件的权限为 777。我正在使用 Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTE。


sudo -s (or su -)
apt install ghostscript -y
ln -s /usr/local/bin/gs /usr/bin/gs
cp /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml.bak
sed -i "s/rights\=\"none\" pattern\=\"PS\"/rights\=\"read\|write\" pattern\=\"PS\"/" /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml
sed -i "s/rights\=\"none\" pattern\=\"EPI\"/rights\=\"read\|write\" pattern\=\"EPI\"/" /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml
sed -i "s/rights\=\"none\" pattern\=\"PDF\"/rights\=\"read\|write\" pattern\=\"PDF\"/" /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml
sed -i "s/rights\=\"none\" pattern\=\"XPS\"/rights\=\"read\|write\" pattern\=\"XPS\"/" /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml
service php7.2-fpm restart && service nginx restart

我今晚想通了。由于我升级了我的 Ubuntu,imagick 安装了一个新的 policy.xml 文件,这不允许我打开那个 .pdf 文件。

您必须在 policy.xml 中设置正确的权限,才能正确打开文件。

policy.xml 位置 (Unix)


new policy.xml(domain="coder"部分是我配置的。)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE policymap [
<!ELEMENT policymap (policy)+>
<!ELEMENT policy (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST policy domain (delegate|coder|filter|path|resource) #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST policy rights CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST policy pattern CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST policy value CDATA #IMPLIED>
  Configure ImageMagick policies.

  Domains include system, delegate, coder, filter, path, or resource.

  Rights include none, read, write, and execute.  Use | to combine them,
  for example: "read | write" to permit read from, or write to, a path.

  Use a glob expression as a pattern.

  Suppose we do not want users to process MPEG video images:

    <policy domain="delegate" rights="none" pattern="mpeg:decode" />

  Here we do not want users reading images from HTTP:

    <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="HTTP" />

  Lets prevent users from executing any image filters:

    <policy domain="filter" rights="none" pattern="*" />

  The /repository file system is restricted to read only.  We use a glob
  expression to match all paths that start with /repository:

    <policy domain="path" rights="read" pattern="/repository/*" />

  Any large image is cached to disk rather than memory:

    <policy domain="resource" name="area" value="1GB"/>

  Define arguments for the memory, map, area, and disk resources with
  SI prefixes (.e.g 100MB).  In addition, resource policies are maximums for
  each instance of ImageMagick (e.g. policy memory limit 1GB, -limit 2GB
  exceeds policy maximum so memory limit is 1GB).
  <!-- <policy domain="resource" name="temporary-path" value="/tmp"/> -->
  <!-- <policy domain="resource" name="memory" value="2GiB"/> -->
  <!-- <policy domain="resource" name="map" value="4GiB"/> -->
  <!-- <policy domain="resource" name="area" value="1GB"/> -->
  <!-- <policy domain="resource" name="disk" value="16EB"/> -->
  <!-- <policy domain="resource" name="file" value="768"/> -->
  <!-- <policy domain="resource" name="thread" value="4"/> -->
  <!-- <policy domain="resource" name="throttle" value="0"/> -->
  <!-- <policy domain="resource" name="time" value="3600"/> -->
  <!-- <policy domain="system" name="precision" value="6"/> -->
  <policy domain="cache" name="shared-secret" value="passphrase"/>
  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="EPHEMERAL" />
  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="URL" />
  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="HTTPS" />
  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="MVG" />
  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="MSL" />
  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="TEXT" />
  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="SHOW" />
  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="WIN" />
  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="PLT" />
  <policy domain="path" rights="none" pattern="@*" />


$i = new Imagick();
$i->setRegistry('temporary-path', '/efs');


rm /etc/<ImageMagick_PATH>/policy.xml

对我来说是 ImageMagick6,命令是:

sudo rm /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml