如何清理这个 Emily 网格以准备 tetgen?

How to clean up this Emily mesh to prepare for tetgen?

我以前问过这个问题,但是在 github here , but never got farther into it. Now I have picked it up, and am trying to get this mesh tetrahedralized, but I keep getting errors see below. Ahlthough the statement clearly says "Found a segment and a subface intersect", I don't know how would I go about resolving that ? The question here is more precisely how to find if mesh has an open boundary and how to locate that and fix that in perhaps blender ? I am asking about open boundary since "camel.off" which clearly has an open boundary gives the same error. I even tried using another geometry processing tool but it showed no holes found, and its auto repair didn't work either. I get the obj file of Emily 3D scan and remove everything such as eye lashes, eyeballs, inner and outer extra subgeometries. I am using blender to export and using libigl tetgen example to see it if it works. I inspected the mesh, I don't see any holes in the topology, the base hole I fill up using the blender grid fill functionality. See the attached picture. 在 libigl 中,我在使用 tetgen 处理之前在查看器中启动了它,它看起来不错,我还尝试了所有 blender 清理工具,请参阅


请注意,艾米丽的嘴唇有 self-intersecting 个面孔。这可以按照@Dominik Mokris 的建议在 MeshLab 中查看。然而,在删除这些面之后,如果没有额外的面变成self-intersecting,很难正确填充它。看到 tetgen 的主要错误之一是关于 self-intersection。我发现的唯一一个很棒的工具是来自 Autodesk 的 MeshMixer,其中有一个名为 makesolid 的工具,它负责关闭孔和自相交面等。很棒的工具,我现在可以使用 libigl 很好地生成 tetgen!