使用 SAS datastep 创建 "pair key=value" 文件

create "pair key=value" file with SAS datastep

我必须从 JSON 风格的数据集创建一个文件,但每个变量之间没有 CR。 所有变量必须在同一行。


ID1 "key1"="value1" "key2"="value2" .....

每个键都是数据集的一列。 我在 UNIX 上使用 SAS 9.3。

示例: 我有

ID Name Sex Age
123 jerome M 30
345 william M 26
456 ingrid F 25`


123 "Name"="jerome" "sex"="M" "age"="30"
345 "Name"="william" "sex"="M" "age"="26"
456 "Name"="ingrid" "sex"="F" "age"="25"



Obs     Name      _NAME_        COL1

  1    Alfred     Name      Alfred
  2    Alfred     Sex       M
  3    Alfred     Age                 14
  4    Alfred     Height              69
  5    Alfred     Weight           112.5
  6    Alice      Name      Alice
  7    Alice      Sex       F
  8    Alice      Age                 13
  9    Alice      Height            56.5
 10    Alice      Weight              84
 11    Barbara    Name      Barbara
 12    Barbara    Sex       F
 13    Barbara    Age                 13
 14    Barbara    Height            65.3
 15    Barbara    Weight              98
 16    Carol      Name      Carol
 17    Carol      Sex       F
 18    Carol      Age                 14
 19    Carol      Height            62.8
 20    Carol      Weight           102.5
 21    Henry      Name      Henry
 22    Henry      Sex       M
 23    Henry      Age                 14
 24    Henry      Height            63.5
 25    Henry      Weight           102.5


189  data _null_;
190     do until(last.name);
191        set class;
192        by name;
193        col1 = left(col1);
194        if first.name then put name @;
195        put _name_:$quote.  +(-1) '=' col1:$quote. @;
196        end;
197     put;
198     run;

Alfred "Name"="Alfred" "Sex"="M" "Age"="14" "Height"="69" "Weight"="112.5"
Alice "Name"="Alice" "Sex"="F" "Age"="13" "Height"="56.5" "Weight"="84"
Barbara "Name"="Barbara" "Sex"="F" "Age"="13" "Height"="65.3" "Weight"="98"
Carol "Name"="Carol" "Sex"="F" "Age"="14" "Height"="62.8" "Weight"="102.5"
Henry "Name"="Henry" "Sex"="M" "Age"="14" "Height"="63.5" "Weight"="102.5"
NOTE: There were 25 observations read from the data set WORK.CLASS.


实际JSON,使用Proc JSON

data have;input
ID Name $ Sex $ Age; datalines;
123 jerome M 30
345 william M 26
456 ingrid F 25

filename out temp;
proc json out=out;
  export have;

* What hath been wrought ?;
data _null_; infile out; input; put _infile_; run;

----- LOG -----


使用 PUT 语句规范语法 (variable-list) (format-list 的变量的简明名称-值对输出),使用 _ALL_ 作为变量列表,使用 = 作为格式。

filename out2 temp;
data _null_;
  set have;
  file out2;
  put (_all_) (=);

data _null_;
  infile out2; input; put _infile_;

----- LOG -----

ID=123 Name=jerome Sex=M Age=30
ID=345 Name=william Sex=M Age=26
ID=456 Name=ingrid Sex=F Age=25

使用 VNEXT 例程迭代变量。使用 VVALUEX 函数提取格式化值,并有条件地构造引用的名称和值部分。

filename out3 temp;
data _null_;
  set have;
  file out3;

  length _name_  _value_ 000;

  do _n_ = 1 by 1;
    call vnext(_name_);
    if _name_ = "_name_" then leave;
    if _n_ = 1 
      then _value_ =       strip(vvaluex(_name_));
      else _value_ = quote(strip(vvaluex(_name_)));
    _name_ = quote(trim(_name_));
    if _n_ = 1 
      then put _value_ @;
      else put _name_ +(-1) '=' _value_ @;

data _null_;
  infile out3; input; put _infile_;

----- LOG -----

123 "Name"="jerome" "Sex"="M" "Age"="30"
345 "Name"="william" "Sex"="M" "Age"="26"
456 "Name"="ingrid" "Sex"="F" "Age"="25"