在 Bamboo 中发送自定义通知

Sending custom notifications in Bamboo

我正在尝试开发一个新的 Bamboo 通知插件。

根据 official documentation - 如果我想创建一个自定义通知,我想在其中添加一个日志文件作为我的电子邮件的附件,例如,我需要实现以下接口 ExtendedNotification。

public class MyNotification extends AbstractNotification implements ExtendedNotification {


public Email updateEmail (@NotNull Email email) {
   return null;

问题是在构建 Email 本身时 - 在此方法中从上下文获取构建版本不起作用(尝试附加正确的日志文件)。
例如,如果我有以下日志文​​件 - \BAMBOO\tools\logs\${bamboo.planKey}\health_${bamboo.buildNumber}.txt)。 下面是完整方法的代码。

public Email updateEmail (@NotNull Email email) {
   try {

      //VariableContext variables = taskContext.getBuildContext ().getVariableContext ();

      // E:\Atlassian\BAMBOO\tools\logs${bamboo.planKey}\health_${bamboo.buildNumber}.txt
      File logFile = new File ("E:\Atlassian\BAMBOO\tools\logs\" + taskContext.getBuildContext().getPlanKey () + "\health_" + taskContext.getBuildContext().getBuildNumber() + ".txt");

      //Message message = new MimeMessage(session);
      Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart ();

      // creates body part for the message
      MimeBodyPart messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart ();
      messageBodyPart.setContent (getHtmlEmailContent (), "text/html");

      // creates body part for the attachment
      MimeBodyPart attachPart = new MimeBodyPart ();

      // code to add attachment...will be revealed later
      attachPart.attachFile (logFile);

      // adds parts to the multipart
      multipart.addBodyPart (messageBodyPart);
      multipart.addBodyPart (attachPart);

      // sets the multipart as message's content
      email.setMultipart (multipart);
   } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error ("There was a problem composing the email", e);
      return null;
   return email;

我的问题是在 Java 中获取 Bamboo 中的关键计划变量。在我上面的代码中,我尝试使用以下方法获取它:

taskContext.getBuildContext ().getVariableContext ();

如此处所述Whosebug question,但这不起作用。

我在这里看到了一个构建自定义通知的示例 - enter link description here,但是代码很旧并且没有使用任何附件。

知道如何实现吗? 谢谢


我想要获取的那些变量,planKeybuildNumber 来自以下:

public class MyNotification extends AbstractCompletedNotification implements ExtendedNotification {
    private ResultsSummary resultsSummary;
    private ImmutablePlan plan;

    public Email updateEmail (@NotNull Email email) {
        try {

            File logFile = new File ("E:\Atlassian\BAMBOO\tools\logs\" + 
                plan.getPlanKey () + 
                "\health_" + 
                resultsSummary.getBuildNumber() + 

并且 planresultSummaryMyNotificationEventListener 中设置,当我创建我的自定义通知 - MyNotification :

public class MyNotificationEventListener {
    public void handleEvent (@NotNull Object event) {
        if (event instanceof ChainCompletedEvent) { // for example
            MyNotification myNotification = (MyNotification) BambooNotificationUtils.createNotification (MyNotification.class);
            myNotification.setResultsSummary (this.resultsSummaryManager.getResultsSummary (chainCompletedEvent.getPlanResultKey ()));
            ImmutablePlan immutablePlan = this.planManager.getPlanByKey (chainCompletedEvent.getPlanKey ());
            myNotification.setPlan (immutablePlan);