如何访问 python 数据类中默认参数中的另一个参数?

How do I access another argument in a default argument in a python dataclass?

我正在尝试从 name 导出 id_ 的默认值,反之亦然。

class Item:
    id_ = NAME_TO_ID[name]
    name = ID_TO_NAME[id_]

我应该可以这样调用 class:


如果可能的话,我也希望 class 在同时提供 id_name 时引发错误。

Item(id_=123, name='foo')  # ValueError: id_ and name cannot be provided together



在对象实例化时,检查提供的数据是过多还是过少,然后定义一个 属性 来计算必要时的值?

class Item ():
    def __init__(self, id: int =None, name:str= None):
        if all ([name, id]):
            raise ValueError ("id_ and name cannot be provided together")
        elif not any ([name, id]):
            raise ValueError ("name or id must be provided for Item instantiation")
            self._name = name
            self._id = id
    def name (self) -> str:
        if self._name is None:
            #Compute the value and return it
            pass #remove this once you figure out your algorithm
            return self._name
    def id (self) ->int:
        if self._id is None:
            #Compute the value and return it
            pass #remove this once you figure out your algorithm
           return self._id

请注意,您还必须考虑什么是有效值。在我提供的示例中,将整数 0 视为有效 id 并将空字符串 "" 视为有效 name.


您可以使用编写 __post_init__ 方法来进行这些验证

from dataclasses import dataclass, field

class Item:
    id_: int = field(default=None)
    name: str = field(default=None)
    def __post_init__(self):
        if self.id_ is None and self.name is None:
            raise TypeError("You must provide exactly one of name or id_")
        if self.id_ is not None and self.name is not None:
            raise TypeError("You must provide exactly one of name or id_")
        if self.id_ is not None:
            self.name = id_to_name(self.id_)
            self.id_ = name_to_id(self.name)

您需要使用 class__init__ 功能。


class Item:
    # define __init__ such that it has a condition when both id_ and name are supplied
    # a ValueError is raised
    def __init__(self, id_, name=None):
        if (id_ and name):
            # raise error because both were supplied
            raise ValueError
        if (id_):
            # assign name and id
        elif (name):
            # assign name and id

不过,在这里,用户必须为两者传递一个值。您可以简单地提供 FalseNone 或一些虚假值,以便它被传递并且不会抛出 ValueError。