输出量是否有某种限制 Python 3.4 允许一次使用 write() 方法?
Is there some kind of limit to the amount of output Python 3.4 allows using the write() method at one time?
我将尾随的 print() 方法放在我的代码末尾的 write() 方法行旁边,以测试为什么我的输出文件不完整。但是,我预计 print() 的输出是 "all the stuff";而 write() 输出的偏移量令人困惑(200 个中只有 150 个 'things')。 输出参考图像:IDLE versus external output file
仅供参考:Win 7 64 // Python 3.4.2
我的模块采用 SRT 字幕文件 ('test.srt') 和 returns 我从中创建的列表对象;特别是,一个具有 220 个列表条目的表单:[[(index), [time], string]]
times = open('times.txt', 'w')
### A portion of Riobard's SRT Parser: srt.py
import re
def tc2ms(tc):
''' convert timecode to millisecond '''
sign = 1
if tc[0] in "+-":
sign = -1 if tc[0] == "-" else 1
tc = tc[1:]
TIMECODE_RE = re.compile('(?:(?:(?:(\d?\d):)?(\d?\d):)?(\d?\d))?(?:[,.](\d?\d?\d))?')
match = TIMECODE_RE.match(tc)
assert match is not None
except AssertionError:
hh,mm,ss,ms = map(lambda x: 0 if x==None else int(x), match.groups())
return ((hh*3600 + mm*60 + ss) * 1000 + ms) * sign
# my code
with open('test.srt') as f:
file = f.read()
srt = []
for line in file:
splitter = file.split("\n\n")
# SRT splitter
i = 0
j = len(splitter)
for items in splitter:
while i <= j - 2:
split_point_1 = splitter[i].index("\n")
split_point_2 = splitter[i].index("\n", split_point_1 + 1)
index = splitter[i][:split_point_1]
time = [splitter[i][split_point_1:split_point_2]]
time = time[0][1:]
string = splitter[i][split_point_2:]
string = string[1:]
list = [[(index), [time], string]]
srt += list
i += 1
# time info outputter
i = 0
j = 1
for line in srt:
if i != len(srt) - 1:
indexer = srt[i][1][0].index(" --> ")
timein = srt[i][1][0][:indexer]
timeout = srt[i][1][0][-indexer:]
line_time = (tc2ms(timeout) - tc2ms(timein))/1000
space_time = ((tc2ms((srt[j][1][0][:indexer]))) - (tc2ms(srt[i][1][0][-indexer:])))/1000
out1 = "The space between Line " + str(i) + " and Line " + str(j) + " lasts " + str(space_time) + " seconds." + "\n"
out2 = "Line " + str(i) + ": " + str(srt[i][2]) + "\n\n"
print(out1, end="")
i += 1
j += 1
indexer = srt[i][1][0].index(" --> ")
timein = srt[i][1][0][:indexer]
timeout = srt[i][1][0][-indexer:]
line_time = (tc2ms(timeout) - tc2ms(timein))/1000
outend = "Line " + str(i) + ": " + str(srt[i][2]) + "\n<End of File>"
我的两个 write() 方法输出文件分别只打印出 220 项中的 ~150 项或 ~200 项,否则它会正确地打印到屏幕上。
文件;操作系统使用写入缓冲区来加速文件 I/O,收集更大的数据块以一次性写入磁盘;关闭文件会刷新缓冲区:
考虑在 with
with open('times.txt', 'w') as times:
# all code that needs to write to times
我将尾随的 print() 方法放在我的代码末尾的 write() 方法行旁边,以测试为什么我的输出文件不完整。但是,我预计 print() 的输出是 "all the stuff";而 write() 输出的偏移量令人困惑(200 个中只有 150 个 'things')。 输出参考图像:IDLE versus external output file
仅供参考:Win 7 64 // Python 3.4.2
我的模块采用 SRT 字幕文件 ('test.srt') 和 returns 我从中创建的列表对象;特别是,一个具有 220 个列表条目的表单:[[(index), [time], string]]
times = open('times.txt', 'w')
### A portion of Riobard's SRT Parser: srt.py
import re
def tc2ms(tc):
''' convert timecode to millisecond '''
sign = 1
if tc[0] in "+-":
sign = -1 if tc[0] == "-" else 1
tc = tc[1:]
TIMECODE_RE = re.compile('(?:(?:(?:(\d?\d):)?(\d?\d):)?(\d?\d))?(?:[,.](\d?\d?\d))?')
match = TIMECODE_RE.match(tc)
assert match is not None
except AssertionError:
hh,mm,ss,ms = map(lambda x: 0 if x==None else int(x), match.groups())
return ((hh*3600 + mm*60 + ss) * 1000 + ms) * sign
# my code
with open('test.srt') as f:
file = f.read()
srt = []
for line in file:
splitter = file.split("\n\n")
# SRT splitter
i = 0
j = len(splitter)
for items in splitter:
while i <= j - 2:
split_point_1 = splitter[i].index("\n")
split_point_2 = splitter[i].index("\n", split_point_1 + 1)
index = splitter[i][:split_point_1]
time = [splitter[i][split_point_1:split_point_2]]
time = time[0][1:]
string = splitter[i][split_point_2:]
string = string[1:]
list = [[(index), [time], string]]
srt += list
i += 1
# time info outputter
i = 0
j = 1
for line in srt:
if i != len(srt) - 1:
indexer = srt[i][1][0].index(" --> ")
timein = srt[i][1][0][:indexer]
timeout = srt[i][1][0][-indexer:]
line_time = (tc2ms(timeout) - tc2ms(timein))/1000
space_time = ((tc2ms((srt[j][1][0][:indexer]))) - (tc2ms(srt[i][1][0][-indexer:])))/1000
out1 = "The space between Line " + str(i) + " and Line " + str(j) + " lasts " + str(space_time) + " seconds." + "\n"
out2 = "Line " + str(i) + ": " + str(srt[i][2]) + "\n\n"
print(out1, end="")
i += 1
j += 1
indexer = srt[i][1][0].index(" --> ")
timein = srt[i][1][0][:indexer]
timeout = srt[i][1][0][-indexer:]
line_time = (tc2ms(timeout) - tc2ms(timein))/1000
outend = "Line " + str(i) + ": " + str(srt[i][2]) + "\n<End of File>"
我的两个 write() 方法输出文件分别只打印出 220 项中的 ~150 项或 ~200 项,否则它会正确地打印到屏幕上。
文件;操作系统使用写入缓冲区来加速文件 I/O,收集更大的数据块以一次性写入磁盘;关闭文件会刷新缓冲区:
考虑在 with
with open('times.txt', 'w') as times:
# all code that needs to write to times