
My unbeatable Tic Tac Toe program is failing




编辑: 请注意,该代码允许用户覆盖以前的动作。我会尽快解决这个问题。 但是,即使我不覆盖以前的机会,我也得不到结果。我已经测试了代码,问题似乎出在 minimax 函数中,但我保留了整个代码以防万一我错了,真正的问题出在其他地方。

编辑 2:抱歉 post 不完整!重现问题的测试用例如下。当我输入我的着法(位置 5)后,程序停止播放并让我玩所有的机会。

Would you like to go first (Y/N)?: n  
. . .  
. . .   
. . .   

x . .   
. . .   
. . .   

Enter your choice (1-9): 5  
x . .   
. o .   
. . .   

x x .   
. o .   
. . .   

Enter your choice (1-9): 7  
x x .   
. o .   
o . .   

x x .   
. o .   
o . .   

Enter your choice (1-9): 

另外,我知道我的代码很乱而且很业余 - 但是尽管使用了全局变量,我应该能够让它工作。如果你能帮我解决这个问题,我会把它全部清理干净。再次感谢!

编辑 3:另一个测试用例: 你想先走吗(Y/N)?: y

. . . 
. . . 
. . . 

Enter your choice (1-9): 5
. . . 
. o . 
. . . 

x . . 
. o . 
. . . 

Enter your choice (1-9): 3
x . o 
. o . 
. . . 

x . o 
. o . 
x . . 

Enter your choice (1-9): 2
x o o 
. o . 
x . . 

x o o 
. o . 
x . . 

Enter your choice (1-9): 6
x o o 
. o o 
x . . 

x o o 
. o o 
x . . 

Enter your choice (1-9): 9
You win!

我的代码在 Python 3.6 和下面:

move = -1
n = 0
def evaluateBoard(board):
    global n
    #Checking for rows
    cnt = 0
    for i in range(n):
        res = 0
        for j in range(n):
           res += board[cnt * n + j] 
        cnt += 1
        if res == n:
            return 1
        elif res == -n:
            return -1

    #Checking for columns
    for i in range(n):
        res = 0
        for j in range(n):
            res += board[i + n * j]
        if res == n:
            return 1
        elif res == -n:
            return -1

    #Checking for diagonals
    res = res2 = 0
    for i in range(n):
        res += board[i * (n + 1)]   
        res2 += board[(i + 1) * (n - 1)]
    if n in [res, res2]:
        return 1
    elif -n in [res, res2]:
        return -1

    return 0

def checkNonTerminal(board):
   for pos in board:
       if pos == 0:
           return 1
   return 0

def getScore(board, depth):
    if evaluateBoard(board) == 1:
        return 10 - depth
    elif evaluateBoard(board) == -1:
        return depth - 10
        return 0

def minimax(board, turn, depth):
    if evaluateBoard(board) == 0 and checkNonTerminal(board) == 0:
        return getScore(board, depth)
    global move
    moves = list()
    scores = list()

    for square, pos in enumerate(board):
        if pos == 0:
            new_board = board.copy()
            new_board[square] = turn
            #print("Moves:", moves, "depth:", depth, "turn:", turn, checkNonTerminal(new_board) == 0)
            if evaluateBoard(new_board) in [1, -1] or checkNonTerminal(new_board) == 0:
                return getScore(new_board, depth)
            scores.append(minimax(new_board, turn * -1, depth + 1))
        #print("scores", scores) 

    if turn == 1:
        move = moves[scores.index(max(scores))]
        return max(scores)
    elif turn == -1:
        move = moves[scores.index(min(scores))]
        return min(scores)

def displayBoard(board):
    global n
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            if board[n*i+j] == 1:
                print("x", end = " ")
            elif board[n*i+j] == -1:
                print("o", end = " ")
                print(".", end = " ")

def main():      
    global n 
    global move
    n = 3
    first_turn = input("Would you like to go first (Y/N)?: ")
    if first_turn in ['Y', 'y']:
        first_turn = -1
        cnt = 1
        first_turn = 1
        cnt = 2
    board = [0] * 9

    while evaluateBoard(board) == 0 and checkNonTerminal(board) == 1:
        if cnt % 2 == 0:
            score = minimax(board, 1, 0)
            board[move] = 1
            choice = eval(input("Enter your choice (1-9): "))
            board[choice - 1] = -1
        cnt += 1

    if evaluateBoard(board) == 1:
        print("You lose!")
    elif evaluateBoard(board) == -1:
        print("You win!")
        print("It's a draw!")


如果您检查的第一个动作是终结者,则您 return 没有设置动作。可能是您失败的获胜逻辑以及跳过回合的原因。


for square, pos in enumerate(board):
    if pos == 0:
        new_board = board.copy()
        new_board[square] = turn
        #print("Moves:", moves, "depth:", depth, "turn:", turn, checkNonTerminal(new_board) == 0)
        if evaluateBoard(new_board) in [1, -1] or checkNonTerminal(new_board) == 0:
            return getScore(new_board, depth) <----here
        scores.append(minimax(new_board, turn * -1, depth + 1))
    #print("scores", scores) 


PS,这是使用适当的 return 变量而不是仅仅设置全局变量的另一个原因 ;)