Xamarin essentials 地理定位不起作用,GetLocationAsync 中断尝试

Xamarin essentials geolocation is not working, GetLocationAsync breaks out of try


因此我安装了预发布包 Xamarin.Essentials。我想使用地理定位和地理编码 API,所以我写了一些代码,但代码在 GetCurrentLocation 的尝试中从未达到 if (location != null)

根据 Xam.Plugin.Geolocator 作者 James Montemagno 的说法,我认为 Xamarin.Essentials 处于预发布阶段并不重要:

I will continue to work and maintain my Plugins, but I do recommend you checkout Xamarin.Essentials to see if it is a great fit your app as it has been for all of mine!

Source: https://github.com/jamesmontemagno/GeolocatorPlugin


我在 Whosebug 上搜索了有关我遇到的问题的问题,但据我所知找不到可以帮助我的问题。


我也尝试过添加超时是否有效:var request = new GeolocationRequest(GeolocationAccuracy.Medium, timeout: TimeSpan.MaxValue );

但是我在该位置上同样遇到了同样的问题。它从未到达 if 语句。


FillInLocationInForm(); 在我的页面构造函数中设置。

public Location location;public Placemark placemark;设置在页面class。

这些是页面中的相关功能 class:

public async void FillInLocationInForm()
        if (await GetCurrentLocation())
            if (await ReverseGeocodeLocation())
                await this.DisplayAlert("Location", placemark.AdminArea + " " + placemark.FeatureName + " " + placemark.Locality + " " + placemark.SubLocality + " " + placemark.SubAdminArea + " " + placemark.SubThoroughfare + " " + placemark.Thoroughfare, "Okay", "Okay");

public async Task<bool> GetCurrentLocation ()
            var request = new GeolocationRequest(GeolocationAccuracy.Medium);
            var location = await Geolocation.GetLocationAsync(request);

            if (location != null)
                this.location = location;
                return await Task.FromResult(true);
        catch (FeatureNotSupportedException fnsEx)
            // Handle not supported on device exception               
        catch (PermissionException pEx)
            // Handle permission exception                
        catch (Exception ex)
            // Unable to get location              
        return await Task.FromResult(false);

public async Task<bool> ReverseGeocodeLocation()
            var lat = location.Latitude;
            var lon = location.Longitude;

            var placemarks = await Geocoding.GetPlacemarksAsync(lat, lon);

            var placemark = placemarks?.FirstOrDefault();
            if (placemark != null)
                //var geocodeAddress =
                //    $"AdminArea:       {placemark.AdminArea}\n" +
                //    $"CountryCode:     {placemark.CountryCode}\n" +
                //    $"CountryName:     {placemark.CountryName}\n" +
                //    $"FeatureName:     {placemark.FeatureName}\n" +
                //    $"Locality:        {placemark.Locality}\n" +
                //    $"PostalCode:      {placemark.PostalCode}\n" +
                //    $"SubAdminArea:    {placemark.SubAdminArea}\n" +
                //    $"SubLocality:     {placemark.SubLocality}\n" +
                //    $"SubThoroughfare: {placemark.SubThoroughfare}\n" +
                //    $"Thoroughfare:    {placemark.Thoroughfare}\n";

                this.placemark = placemark;
                return await Task.FromResult(true);
        catch (FeatureNotSupportedException fnsEx)
            // Feature not supported on device
        catch (Exception ex)
            // Handle exception that may have occurred in geocoding
        return await Task.FromResult(false);

我还将这些权限添加到我的应用程序 AndroidManifest 并在运行时请求它们。我在我的应用程序设置中看到位置和存储都被选中了。:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.location" android:required="false" />
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.location.gps" android:required="false" />
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.location.network" android:required="false" />




我有一种预感,我需要向 GetLocationAsync 添加一个取消标记,但我还不知道如何操作。我没有在 GeolocationRequest 旁边看到它:

编辑 2:


using System.Threading; // add above

CancellationTokenSource source = new CancellationTokenSource();
CancellationToken cancelToken = source.Token;
var location = await Geolocation.GetLocationAsync(request, cancelToken);

编辑 3:

下图中的断点永远不会触发,这意味着永远不会到达 if 语句。代码以某种方式退出了 try,但没有进入其中一个 catch 语句。我现在在我的 catch 语句中使用 Console.WriteLine()。我在设备日志中看不到任何内容。我在设备日志中看到的 catch 中测试了 Console.WriteLine()



new GeolocationRequest(GeolocationAccuracy.Medium, timeout: TimeSpan.MaxValue);


无论如何添加 10 秒的时间跨度给了我一个位置:

var request = new GeolocationRequest(GeolocationAccuracy.Medium, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));       

在我的情况下,在位置设置下打开 phone 的“提高准确性”选项很有帮助;至少 Android 是这样。