在 Vue.js 站点上使用带有 HardSource 的 Webpack 的意外和神秘的 dotnet 运行 "fail" 消息

Unexpected and cryptic dotnet run "fail" messages with Webpack with HardSource on Vue.js site

当我使用 dotnet run 启动我的 Vue.js .NET Core 项目时,我收到以下 "fail" 消息,但站点似乎运行良好。任何人都知道为什么我会收到这些消息以及如何解决它?

c:\myproj\Web>dotnet run
Using launch settings from c:\myproj\Web\Properties\launchSettings.json...
Hosting environment: Development
Content root path: c:\myproj\Web
Now listening on: http://localhost:60000
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
fail: Microsoft.AspNetCore.NodeServices[0]
      [hardsource:be1e46f8] Using 230 MB of disk space.
fail: Microsoft.AspNetCore.NodeServices[0]
      [hardsource:be1e46f8] Tracking node dependencies with: package-lock.json.
fail: Microsoft.AspNetCore.NodeServices[0]
      [hardsource:be1e46f8] Reading from cache be1e46f8...

看起来 dotnet 运行 将 Hardsource 详细消息报告为 FAIL,而实际上并非如此。我刚刚修改了我的 HardSource 配置如下(在 webpack.config.*.js 中)并且消息消失了。

new HardSourceWebpackPlugin({ info: { mode: 'none', level: 'warn' } }),