Python NLTK:斯坦福 NER 标注器错误消息:NLTK 无法找到 java 文件

Python NLTK: Stanford NER tagger error message: NLTK was unable to find the java file

试图让 Stanford NER 与 Python 一起工作。按照网上的一些说明进行操作,但收到错误消息:“NLTK 无法找到 java 文件! 使用特定于软件的配置参数或设置 JAVAHOME 环境变量。”怎么了?谢谢!

from nltk.tag.stanford import StanfordNERTagger
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize

model = r'C:\Stanford\NER\classifiers\english.muc.7class.distsim.crf.ser.gz'
jar = r'C:\Stanford\NER\stanford-ner-3.9.1.jar'

ner_tagger = StanfordNERTagger(model, jar, encoding = 'utf-8')

text = 'While in France, Christine Lagarde discussed short-term stimulus ' \
       'efforts in a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal.'

words = word_tokenize(text)
classified_words = ner_tagger.tag(words)


 import os

 java_path = "C:/../../jdk1.8.0_101/bin/java.exe"   
 os.environ['JAVAHOME'] = java_path


import nltk

