alexa 技能帐户链接在令牌端点失败

alexa skill account linking fails at token endpoint

alexa 技能不会在请求中向令牌端点发送 "client secret",这导致我的 OAuth 服务器中的帐户链接失败。 请求正文包含: { 'grant_type': 'authorization_code', 'code': '*******', 'redirect_uri': '***', 'client_id': '******' }

客户端机密不应从 Alexa 发送 URL 但它用于识别来自 Alexa 的请求

秘密 ID => "A credential you provide that lets the Alexa service authenticate with the Access Token URI. This is combined with the Client ID to identify the request as coming from Alexa."