我如何将 POV-Ray 与 .stl 文件结合使用以与对象合并?
How could I use POV-Ray with an .stl file for merge with object?
我有这个 povray 代码:
#include "colors.inc"
location <4, 4, -10>
look_at 0
angle 36
light_source{ <500, 500, -1000> White }
plane{ y, -1.5
pigment{ checker Green White }
box{ -1, 1 pigment{ Blue } }
sphere{ 0, 1.375 pigment{ Red } }
sphere{<0,1,0>,1.35 pigment{ Blue } }
cone{<0,0,0>,0.45,<0,1.2,0>,0 pigment{ Blue } }
povray +Imerge.pov
我想将 .stl 文件添加到 union
POV-Ray 本身不支持 STL 文件,您必须使用转换器才能获得所需的结果。
查看 stl2pov (https://github.com/timschmidt/stl2pov), or any other tools from the official list at http://www.povray.org/resources/links/3D_Programs/Conversion_Utilities/.
我有这个 povray 代码:
#include "colors.inc"
location <4, 4, -10>
look_at 0
angle 36
light_source{ <500, 500, -1000> White }
plane{ y, -1.5
pigment{ checker Green White }
box{ -1, 1 pigment{ Blue } }
sphere{ 0, 1.375 pigment{ Red } }
sphere{<0,1,0>,1.35 pigment{ Blue } }
cone{<0,0,0>,0.45,<0,1.2,0>,0 pigment{ Blue } }
povray +Imerge.pov
我想将 .stl 文件添加到 union
POV-Ray 本身不支持 STL 文件,您必须使用转换器才能获得所需的结果。
查看 stl2pov (https://github.com/timschmidt/stl2pov), or any other tools from the official list at http://www.povray.org/resources/links/3D_Programs/Conversion_Utilities/.