如何使用 scalikejdbc 以自定义类型在 postgres 中保存记录?

How to save record in postgres with custom type using scalikejdbc?

在我的例子中,我在 postgres 中有一个枚举类型:

create type my_type as enum (string value);

还有一些 tables,使用这个作为列类型:

create table A (
t my_type,

在 postgres 中,我可以在 table 中插入新记录,如下所示:

insert into A values(..., 'my_type_value', ...);

Scalikejdbc 生成正确的 sql:

 insert into A (...) values (..., 'my_type_value', ...)


ERROR: column "t" is of type my_type but expression is of type character varying HINT: You will need to rewrite or cast the expression.


object MyType extends Enumeration {...}
case class A(..., t: MyType, ...)
object A extends SQLSyntaxSupport[A] {
  def apply(rs: WrappedResultSet): A = A(..., rs.getString('t'), ...)

此外,我尝试在 Scala 代码中添加枚举类型的隐式转换:

object MyType extends Enumeration {
   implicit def stringToValue...
   implicit def valueToString ...



 withSQL {
        A.column.t-> e.t, // e - passed entity into insert fun

终于解决了。 我必须添加隐式转换器:

 implicit val valueToParameterBinder: ParameterBinderFactory[MyType] = ParameterBinderFactory {
    value => (stmt, indx) => stmt.setObject(indx, value, Types.OTHER)

object A extends SQLSyntaxSupport[A] {
  def apply(rs: WrappedResultSet): A = A(..., rs.getString('t'), ...) // just call getString as usual