查看 SIP 上的其他电话会议参与者?

View other conference call participants on SIP?


  1. 我使用 SIP 拨入 VoIP 电话(例如,11234567890@
  2. 作为第一个来电者,我被等待
  3. 另一个用户拨入同一个会议
  4. 电话会议开始

SIP 或 RTP 是否提供一种方式让我查看通话中的其他参与者(他们的姓名或号码)?

是,如果您的 UAC 和您的会议提供商支持 RFC 4575:一个 Session 会议状态的启动协议 (SIP) 事件包

在这种情况下,您将能够使用 conference 活动包建立订阅 (SUBSCRIBE),并且(根据会议提供者的判断,获得适当的许可、授权等)您将获得通知会议活动。通知哪些事件由会议提供者自行决定(注意 RFC 中的语言,没有 MUST,一些 SHOULD 和 MAY):

3.6.  Notifier Generation of NOTIFY Requests

   Notifications SHOULD be generated for the conference state when a new
   participant joins (i.e., gets "connected" to) or a participant leaves
   (i.e., gets "disconnected" from) the conference.

   Subject to a local focus policy, additional changes in participants'
   status, changes in their media types, and other optional information
   MAY be reported by the focus.

   Changes in sidebar rosters SHOULD be reported by the focus to their
   participants and MAY be reported to others, subject to local policy.

   Changes in conference identifiers and service URIs SHOULD be reported
   by the focus to the conference package subscribers.

   Changes in other conference state information MAY be reported by the
   focus to the conference package subscribers.

根据3GPP TS 24.605 and 3GPP TS 24.147

,您可能会从 IMS CONF 服务中得到它

您也可以使用 RestComm 来简化这一点,它提供了开箱即用的会议演示。 (拨打 3010 或 3011)。 RestComm 使用 SIP 和 RTP 进行初始会议设置,但随后您可以通过 REST 查询会议以管理参与者(mute/unmute,add/remove 来自会议,...)