从 glMatrix 1 迁移到 glMatrix 2

Migrating to from glMatrix 1 to glMatrix 2

我无法将这些函数从使用 glMatrix 1.2 的旧应用程序更新到 glMatrix 2.7:

calculateNormal() {
    mat4.set(this.modelViewMatrix, this.normalMatrix);

并且不存在以下矩阵乘以 4 分量向量的函数:

calculateOrientation() {
    mat4.multiplyVec4(this.matrix, [1, 0, 0, 0], this.right);
    mat4.multiplyVec4(this.matrix, [0, 1, 0, 0], this.up);
    mat4.multiplyVec4(this.matrix, [0, 0, 1, 0], this.normal);


但是无论如何,glMatrix is well documented and according to the documentation of mat4 and vec4,你的代码可以这样移植:

calculateNormal() {
    this.normalMatrix = mat4.clone(this.modelViewMatrix);
    mat4.invert(this.normalMatrix, this.normalMatrix);
    mat4.transpose(this.normalMatrix, this.normalMatrix);

可能没有必要 create 下面的向量,但我不知道你的情况下是否存在向量:

calculateOrientation() {

    this.right = vec4.create();
    vec4.set( this.right, 1, 0, 0, 0 );
    vec4.transformMat4( this.right, this.right, this.matrix );

    this.up = vec4.create();
    vec4.set( this.up, 0, 1, 0, 0 );
    vec4.transformMat4( this.up, this.up, this.matrix );

    this.normal = vec4.create();
    vec4.set( this.normal, 0, 0, 1, 0 );
    vec4.transformMat4( this.normal, this.normal, this.matrix );