在 angular6 中发送表单数据和文件上传显示错误 title1 和 title2 not found

Sending form data along with files upload in angular6 displays error title1 and title2 not found

此代码使用 ng2-file-upload in angular 6 上传文件并且工作正常。现在我想发送表单数据以及 file.To 这种效果,我添加了两个表单输入 title1title2 ,这里是如何实现文件上传。这是我实现它的代码行。所以我更改下面的代码

public uploader: FileUploader = new FileUploader({ url: URL, itemAlias: 'photo' });

public uploader: FileUploader = new FileUploader({url: URL, itemAlias: 'photo', 
 additionalParameter: {
        t1: title1, t2: title2 });

但出现错误 src/app/app。component.ts 找不到两个表单输入的 title1 和 title2..


import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { FileUploader, FileSelectDirective } from 'ng2-file-upload/ng2-file-upload';

const URL = 'http://localhost:3000/api/upload';

import { AppData } from './AppData';

    selector: 'app-root',
    templateUrl: './app.component.html',
    styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']

export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
    title = 'app';

    public uploader: FileUploader = new FileUploader({ url: URL, itemAlias: 'photo' });

public uploader: FileUploader = new FileUploader({url: URL, itemAlias: 'photo', 
 additionalParameter: {
        t1: title1, t2: title2

 data = new AppData('', '');    

    ngOnInit() {
        this.uploader.onAfterAddingFile = (file) => { file.withCredentials = false; };
        this.uploader.onCompleteItem = (item: any, response: any, status: any, headers: any) => {
            console.log('ImageUpload:uploaded:', item, status, response);
            alert('File uploaded successfully');


export class AppData {
      title1: String,
      title2: String
  ) {}


    <input type="file" name="photo" ng2FileSelect [uploader]="uploader" />

    <input type="text" class="form-control" id="title1" 

    <p>Hello {{data.title1}}!</p>        

    <input type="text" class="form-control" id="title2" 

    <p>Hello {{data.title2}}!</p>

<button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn-s" 
  [disabled]="!uploader.getNotUploadedItems().length" >
      Upload an Image


您正在尝试访问未定义的变量 title1title2


您有 AppData 的实例。您可以直接使用它。

data = new AppData('', '');  


public uploader: FileUploader = new FileUploader({url: URL, itemAlias: 'photo', 
additionalParameter: this.data

Note : do not forget to set the title1 and title2 in data object.