如何获取发送到 azure IoT hub c# 的设备总数和消息总数

How can I get total number of devices and total number of messages send to azure IoT hub c#

对于 c# 中的 Azure IoThub,我们只有这两种方法可用。

Device device = await registryManager.GetDeviceAsync("deviceId");

device = await registryManager.GetDevicesAsync("max count");

但是如何使用 c# 获取所有可用设备数或活动设备数以及消息数?


没有直接的方法来实际获取 total number of devices。或者你可以做的是创建一个列表,每当你使用 AddDeviceAsync 添加设备时,你应该将对象推送到列表中。



static async Task startClient(string IoTHub, string IoTDevicePrefix, int deviceNumber, string commonKey, int maxMessages, int messageDelaySeconds)
    string connectionString = "HostName=" + IoTHub + ";DeviceId=" + IoTDevicePrefix + deviceNumber + ";SharedAccessKey=" + commonKey;
    DeviceClient device = DeviceClient.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString, Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.TransportType.Mqtt);
    await device.OpenAsync();
    Random rnd = new Random();
    int mycounter = 1;
    Console.WriteLine("Device " + IoTDevicePrefix + deviceNumber + " started");

    while (mycounter <= maxMessages)
        Thread.Sleep((messageDelaySeconds * 1000) + rnd.Next(1, 100));
        string message = "{ \'loadTest\':\'True\', 'sequenceNumber': " + mycounter + ", \'SubmitTime\': \'" + DateTime.UtcNow + "\', \'randomValue\':" + rnd.Next(1, 4096 * 4096) + " }";
        Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Message IoTMessage = new Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Message(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message));
        await device.SendEventAsync(IoTMessage);
    await device.CloseAsync();
    Console.WriteLine("Device " + IoTDevicePrefix + deviceNumber + " ended");

static void createDevices(int number)
    for (int i = 1; i <= number; i++)
        var registryManager = RegistryManager.CreateFromConnectionString(iotHubConnectionString);
        Device mydevice = new Device(IoTDevicePrefix + i.ToString());
        mydevice.Authentication = new AuthenticationMechanism();
        mydevice.Authentication.SymmetricKey.PrimaryKey = commonKey;
        mydevice.Authentication.SymmetricKey.SecondaryKey = commonKey;
            Console.WriteLine("Adding device: " + IoTDevicePrefix + i.ToString());
        catch (Exception er)
            Console.WriteLine("  Error adding device: " + IoTDevicePrefix + i.ToString() + " error: " + er.InnerException.Message);


您感兴趣的值是 Azure IoT Hub metrics 的一部分。基本上你可以获得他们的:

  • 使用 REST API and here
  • 为 Azure IoT 中心添加 诊断设置 并为 AllMetrics 选择以下目的地之一:
    1. 事件驱动存储中归档。使用带有输入 blob 绑定的订阅者(例如 EventGridTrigger 函数),可以在函数主体内查询指标。
    2. 或通过事件中心将指标推送到流管道,并使用流分析作业查询指标数据。

可以使用 device query 检索 设备数量 ,例如:

SELECT COUNT() AS numberOfDevices FROM c

其中 returns 是这样的:

[ { "numberOfDevices": 123 } ]

要检索条消息,您需要连接到与事件中心兼容的端点,连接到每个基础分区并查看每个分区信息最后一个序列号序列号)。不过,这涉及到一些数据保留,因此除非您为此添加更多逻辑,否则您将得到一个数字,表示集线器中 当前 的消息数,而不是自创建以来的总数,不是剩下要处理的总数。


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Azure.Devices;
using Newtonsoft.Json;

namespace Test
    class Program
        static async Task Main()
            string connString = "HostName=_______.azure-devices.net;SharedAccessKeyName=_______;SharedAccessKey=_______";
            RegistryManager registry = RegistryManager.CreateFromConnectionString(connString);

            // Method 1: using Device Twin
            string queryString = "SELECT COUNT() AS numberOfDevices FROM devices";
            IQuery query = registry.CreateQuery(queryString, 1);
            string json = (await query.GetNextAsJsonAsync()).FirstOrDefault();
            Dictionary<string, long> data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, long>>(json);
            long count1 = data["numberOfDevices"];

            // Method 2: using Device Registry
            RegistryStatistics stats = await registry.GetRegistryStatisticsAsync();
            long count2 = stats.TotalDeviceCount;