从 Lua table 中删除特定条目

Remove specific entry from Lua table

我正在像这样插入 table

Admin = {}

table.insert(Admins, {id = playerId, Count = 0})


现在如何从 table 中删除该特定管理员?

以下内容不起作用,我确定它是因为 ID 存储在 table 内部的数组中,但我该如何访问它?

table.remove(Admins, playerId)

基本上, 我想从 table 管理员中删除,其中我输入的 ID == playerId。

有两种方法可以从 table 中删除条目,两种方法都可以接受table:

1. myTable[index] = nil
Removes an entry from given index, but adds a hole in the table by maintaining the indices

local Admins = {}
table.insert(Admins, {id = 10, Count = 0})
table.insert(Admins, {id = 20, Count = 1})
table.insert(Admins, {id = 30, Count = 2})
table.insert(Admins, {id = 40, Count = 3})

local function removebyKey(tab, val)
    for i, v in ipairs (tab) do 
        if (v.id == val) then
          tab[i] = nil
-- Before
-- [1] = {['Count'] = 0, ['id'] = 10},
-- [2] = {['Count'] = 1, ['id'] = 20},
-- [3] = {['Count'] = 2, ['id'] = 30},
-- [4] = {['Count'] = 3, ['id'] = 40}}
removebyKey(Admins, 20)
-- After
-- [1] = {['Count'] = 0, ['id'] = 10},
-- [3] = {['Count'] = 2, ['id'] = 30},
-- [4] = {['Count'] = 3, ['id'] = 40}

2. table.remove(myTable, index)
Removes the entry from given index and renumbering the indices

local function getIndex(tab, val)
    local index = nil
    for i, v in ipairs (tab) do 
        if (v.id == val) then
          index = i 
    return index
local idx = getIndex(Admins, 20) -- id = 20 found at idx = 2
if idx == nil then 
    print("Key does not exist")
    table.remove(Admins, idx) -- remove Table[2] and shift remaining entries
-- Before is same as above
-- After entry is removed. Table indices are changed
-- [1] = {['id'] = 10, ['Count'] = 0},
-- [2] = {['id'] = 30, ['Count'] = 2},
-- [3] = {['id'] = 40, ['Count'] = 3}