
Can I rely on a function-scoped static variable for a method called during program shutdown?


但这是一个我不知道行为是否定义明确的特殊情况:函数内部的一个静态变量。我可以依赖函数的行为一致吗?在程序关闭期间?还是有可能静态成员将被销毁,并且该函数将 运行 无论如何,而不创建一个新成员?


class Logger
    enum class Severity { DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR };
    void Log(Severity sev, const std::string& msg)
        LogImpl(FormatMessage(sev, msg));

    Logger() { Log(Severity::INFO, "Logger active"); }
    ~Logger() { Log(Severity::INFO, "Logger inactive"); }

    static std::string FormatMessage(Severity sev, const std::string& msg)
        static const std::map<Severity, std::string> enum2str {
            {Severity::DEBUG, "DEBUG"},
            {Severity::INFO, "INFO"},
            {Severity::WARNING, "WARNING"},
            {Severity::ERROR, "ERROR"}

        // Throws or crashes if enum2str is invalid, or uninitialized:
        return "[" + enum2str[sev] + "] " + msg;
    void LogImpl(const std::string& msg)
        std::cout << msg << std::endl;

假设我有一个 Logger 的全局实例。 Logger::FormatMessage中的enum2str映射是一个静态变量,所以在程序关闭的某个时候,它会被销毁。

按照标准,这会导致我的程序在关机时崩溃吗? enum2str 在关机期间是否天生不可靠?或者对此有一些处理——例如,如果 enum2str 在某个时候无效,也许会创建一个新的静态实例?

(我对依赖对象之间的销毁顺序不感兴趣,例如我声明全局 Logger 实例的地方。)



3 If the completion of the constructor or dynamic initialization of an object with static storage duration strongly happens before that of another, the completion of the destructor of the second is sequenced before the initiation of the destructor of the first [...]

4 If a function contains a block-scope object of static or thread storage duration that has been destroyed and the function is called during the destruction of an object with static or thread storage duration, the program has undefined behavior if the flow of control passes through the definition of the previously destroyed block-scope object. Likewise, the behavior is undefined if the block-scope object is used indirectly (i.e., through a pointer) after its destruction.


I am not interested in relying on destruction order between objects

你应该这样做,因为这正是决定 FormatMessage 在程序关闭期间调用是否安全的因素。


Can I rely on a function-scoped static variable for a method called during program shutdown?


atExit中依赖静态对象是安全的,所以在那里调用FormatMessage是安全的。除非你能保证特定静态对象 senum2str 之间的销毁顺序,否则在 s.[=24= 的析构函数中使用 FormatMessage 是不安全的]

静态对象保证以其构造的相反顺序销毁。因此,您可以依赖 enum2str 在销毁其构造函数调用 FormatMessage 的静态对象子集期间存在,因为在构造函数中调用 FormatMessage 可确保之前构造 enum2str该依赖静态对象已完成构造。
