从 php-cli 访问剪贴板?

Access clipboard from php-cli?

有什么方法可以从 php-cli 访问剪贴板吗? Windows 我特别需要它,但跨平台的解决方案也不错。

应在 Windows 7+ (PowerShell 2+)、基于 X.org 的 linux 系统和 MacOS 上运行的便携式函数:

function getClipboard():string{
    // works on windows 7 + (PowerShell v2 + )
    // TODO: is it -1 or -2 bytes? i think it was -2 on win7 and -1 on win10?
        return substr(shell_exec('powershell -sta "add-type -as System.Windows.Forms; [windows.forms.clipboard]::GetText()"'),0,-1);
        // untested! but should work on X.org-based linux GUI's
        return substr(shell_exec('xclip -out -selection primary'),0,-1);
        // untested! 
        return substr(shell_exec('pbpaste'),0,-1);
        throw new \Exception("running on unsupported OS: ".PHP_OS_FAMILY." - only Windows, Linux, and MacOS supported.");


function setClipboard(string $new):bool{
        // works on windows 7 +
        // tested, works on ArchLinux
        $clip=popen('xclip -selection clipboard','wb');
        // untested! 
        throw new \Exception("running on unsupported OS: ".PHP_OS_FAMILY." - only Windows, Linux, and MacOS supported.");
    return (pclose($clip)===0 && strlen($new)===$written);


shell_exec("echo $someVar | clip");
