无法使用 SWIG 在 Python 中实例化 C++ class(获取属性错误)

Cannot instantiate a C++ class in Python using SWIG (Gets Attribute error)

我想将 C++ classes 导出到 Python,为此我使用 SWIG 创建了一个 C++ 扩展模块。从文档中,我可以看到 classes 可以使用 SWIG 导出。我能够成功地为 python 创建 class 模块 (_minimal.pyd)。我可以在 Python 中导入模块。但是,我无法创建 class 的对象,并且出现属性错误。请找到我尝试过的代码示例。谁能帮帮我?

class minimal
    static int num_instances;


    void print_num_instances();

#include <iostream>
#include "minimal.h"

int minimal::num_instances = 0;

void minimal::print_num_instances()
    using namespace std;
    cout << this->num_instances << endl;

//minimal.i(interface file)
%module minimal

#include "minimal.h"

%include "minimal.h"

//python code used to run the module
import _minimal as m

SWIG 生成 minimal_wrap.cxxminimal.py。当您将 .cxx 文件构建到 _minimal.pyd 中时,您将 import minimal 而不是 import _minimal.

>>> import minimal
>>> x=minimal.minimal()
>>> x.print_num_instances()
>>> y=minimal.minimal()
>>> x.print_num_instances()

有关参考,请参阅 SWIG Python 文档中的 36.2.1 Running SWIG。引用:

...[Running swig -c++ -python] This creates two different files; a C/C++ source file example_wrap.c or example_wrap.cxx and a Python source file example.py. The generated C source file contains the low-level wrappers that need to be compiled and linked with the rest of your C/C++ application to create an extension module. The Python source file contains high-level support code. This is the file that you will import to use the module.