ANSI C 我在 fwrite 和 fread 上做错了什么?

ANSI C What am I doing wrong with fwrite and the fread?


在第一次执行时,它会将数据完全按照代码 (test_data) 中的方式写入屏幕,并按预期创建文件。


我很确定第 67 行有问题,这与我将它打印到屏幕上的方式有关,但我是 C 的新手,不习惯处理数据格式。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main ()

    FILE * pdataFile = NULL;
    const char * datafilename = "data.bin";
    const char * _WRITE = "wb"; 
    const char * _READ  = "rb"; 
    uint8_t data[32]; 
    int idx; 
    unsigned long dataFileLen; 
    char dataBuffer;

    char test_data[] = "ahFlup1r2PWO1zySK9SBcPIQC5DcCw1mq7JrObea8lDWH&FcLbi7EzBu7ow56KbJ"; 
    char * pos = test_data;

    pdataFile = fopen(datafilename, _READ);
    if (pdataFile == NULL) {
        printf("No existing file named: %s .\n", datafilename);

        /******** Print Contents of data Array ********/
        printf("Random data: "); 

        for (idx = 0; idx < 32; ++idx) {
            sscanf(pos, "%2hhx", &data[idx]);
            pos += 2 * sizeof(char); 
            printf("%02x", data[idx]);  

        printf("\n"); // new line

        /******** Save data to File ********/
        pdataFile = fopen(datafilename, _WRITE);
        if (pdataFile == NULL) {
            printf("Error opening file %s for writing. End Program\n", datafilename); 
        } else {      
            fwrite (test_data, sizeof(char), sizeof(test_data), pdataFile); 

            if (ferror (pdataFile))
                printf("Error writing file %s.", datafilename);     

            fclose (pdataFile);

    } else {
        fseek(pdataFile, 0, SEEK_END);
        dataFileLen = ftell(pdataFile);
        fseek(pdataFile, 0, SEEK_SET);

        char *dataBuffer = malloc((dataFileLen+1)*sizeof(unsigned char));

        fread(dataBuffer, dataFileLen, 1, pdataFile);

        if (ferror (pdataFile))
                printf("Error reading file contents: %s.", datafilename);

            printf("data read from file: ");            
            for(idx = 0; idx<dataFileLen; ++idx){ 
                printf("%2hhx", ((char *)dataBuffer)[idx]);  

        printf("\n"); // new line

        fclose (pdataFile);


    return 0;

更新 我期待看到以下内容: 第一次执行时 Random data: ahFlup1r2PWO1zySK9SBcPIQC5DcCw1mq7JrObea8lDWH&FcLbi7EzBu7ow56KbJ

第二次执行时 data read from file: ahFlup1r2PWO1zySK9SBcPIQC5DcCw1mq7JrObea8lDWH&FcLbi7EzBu7ow56KbJ

第二次更新 即使在这里发布了答案,我仍然得到: Seed read from file: 6168466c757031723250574f317a79534b39534263504951433544634377266d71374a724f626561286c4457482646634c626937457a4275376f7735264b624a00

该程序是在 GCC 中编译的,应该从此处的代码编译。


尝试写 data 而不是 test_data
