xdotool 中 POS1 键的名称是什么?

What is the name of the POS1 key in xdotool?

我需要xdotool来按下pos1,但我不知道这个键的名称。这不是 pos1,POS1,Pos1,开始。如何找到 xdotool 使用的密钥的名称?


$ xev -event keyboard



Outer window is 0x4a00001, inner window is 0x4a00002

KeymapNotify event, serial 24, synthetic NO, window 0x0,
    keys:  4294967230 0   0   0   16  0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   
           0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   

KeyRelease event, serial 25, synthetic NO, window 0x4a00001,
    root 0x1a1, subw 0x0, time 109192145, (501,285), root:(503,393),
    state 0x0, keycode 36 (keysym 0xff0d, Return), same_screen YES,
"   XLookupString gives 1 bytes: (0d) "
    XFilterEvent returns: False

KeyPress event, serial 28, synthetic NO, window 0x4a00001,
    root 0x1a1, subw 0x0, time 109193882, (501,285), root:(503,393),
    state 0x0, keycode 110 (keysym 0xff50, Home), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 0 bytes: 
    XmbLookupString gives 0 bytes: 
    XFilterEvent returns: False

KeyRelease event, serial 28, synthetic NO, window 0x4a00001,
    root 0x1a1, subw 0x0, time 109193953, (501,285), root:(503,393),
    state 0x0, keycode 110 (keysym 0xff50, Home), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 0 bytes: 
    XFilterEvent returns: False

有趣的部分是keycode 110 (keysym 0xff50, Home)。所以名字是Home.