跳过前一个 post 时如何忽略 Jekyll 中的偏移量

How to ignore offset in Jekyll when previous post is skipped

我正在尝试在 Jekyll 上创建我的第一个博客。我坚持一件事:我有一个类别的部分,假设是“新闻”:

<section class="news">
    <div class="container">
        <div class="row no-gutters">
{% for post in site.categories.news limit: 2 offset: 0 %} 
{% include news-item-col-6.html %}
{% endfor %}

{% for post in site.categories.news limit: 3 **offset: 2** %}
{% include news-item-col-4.html %}
{% endfor %}


{% if post.thumb != 0 %}
   <div class="col-md-6">
        <div class="pattern">
            <div class="overlay item-title" style="background-image: url({{ post.thumb }});">               
                <div class="item-title-content">
                    <h3><a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.header }}</a></h3>                     
{% endif %}


{% if post.thumb != 0 %}
  <div class="col-md-4">
    <div class="pattern">           
        <div class="overlay item-title" style="background-image: url({{ post.thumb }});">
            <div class="item-title-content">
                <h3><a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.header }}</a></h3>                 
{% endif %}


layout: post
title: title | site.com
header: title
description: description
categories: categories url
catname: News
image: "images/URL /to image/1.jpg"
thumb: "images/URL /to thumb/1t.jpg"
permalink: "blog/:categories/:year-:month-:day-:slug.html"

问题是并非我所有的 post 都有背景缩略图,我只想忽略没有 post.thumb 的 post。并且代码有效,但不幸的是 col-md-4 块的偏移量没有忽略没有 post.thumb.

的 post 的顺序




{% assign counter = 0 %} <!-- create a custom counter and set it to zero -->
{% for post in site.categories.news %} <!-- loop through the posts in news -->
  {% if post.thumb %} <!-- check if the post has a thumbnail -->
    {% assign counter = counter | plus: 1 %} <!-- increment the counter if it does -->
    {% if counter < 3 %} <!-- if this is the first or second counted post -->
      {% include news-item-col-6.html %} <!-- include the col-6 element -->
    {% elsif counter < 6 %} <!-- else -->
      {% include news-item-col-4.html %} <!-- include the col-4 element -->
    {% endif %}
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}